Episode 1647: The Humility required for true faith

8 months ago

Humility is often defined as the virtue of being humble, or having a modest opinion of one's own importance. In the context of faith, humility is seen as a recognition of one's own limitations and dependence on God.

There are many reasons why humility is considered important for faith. One reason is that humility allows us to be open to God's grace. When we are humble, we are more likely to admit our need for God's help and to seek His guidance. This openness is essential for us to receive God's grace and to grow in our faith.

Another reason why humility is important for faith is that it allows us to love God and others more fully. When we are humble, we are not focused on ourselves or our own needs. Instead, we are more likely to focus on God and on the needs of others. This focus on love is essential for us to live out our faith in a meaningful way.

Humility is not always easy. It can be difficult to admit our own limitations and to put others before ourselves. However, humility is ultimately a gift from God. When we are humble, we are open to God's love and grace. This openness allows us to grow in our faith and to live out our love for God and others.

Here are some specific examples of how humility is expressed in the traditional Catholic perspective:

Submission to God's will: Humility involves acknowledging that we are not in control of our own lives and that we must submit to God's will. This submission is not about blind obedience, but rather about recognizing our limitations and trusting in God's wisdom.

Openness to correction: Humility also involves being open to correction from others. This means being willing to listen to feedback and to learn from our mistakes. It also means being willing to change our behavior when necessary.

Service to others: Humility is often expressed through service to others. This service can take many forms, such as volunteering our time, donating to charity, or simply being kind and compassionate to others.

By practicing humility in these ways, we can grow in our faith and become more Christ-like.

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