Ian Bick | Fraud to Redemption

10 months ago

Since joining YouTube, Ian Bicks channel, @ianbickCT has exploded in popularity.
Having some of the largest names in this genre, with some of the craziest stories on his channel, he’s on the road to 1 million subscribers.

Dubbed a teen prodigy, Ian Bick found himself at 18 years old running his own night club, Tuxedo Junction. And with that, trying to balance success and other peoples money.
He was able to bring in some of the hottest club DJs and artists through investors that believed in his ability to make his clubs work.
Before the age of 21, Ian was under investigation for defrauding investors of around $500,000.
He then received a 3 year sentence.

Ian lays it out for us:
The What and how it all happened.
Those early years of trying to run a club and how he tried to keep the people around him happy.
And his success now.

His story is so rare and unique that it prompted HBO, Netflix and Vice, to do documentary’s on his story.

Ian’s YouTube channel is a redemption story in itself.
It shines a spotlight on others who want to share their stories on how they landed behind bars and the positive changes they made once released.

Check out Ian’s channel

Check out his website

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