Michael Laws & Mary Byrne Talk Water Fluoridation, BUT HOW DID MICHAEL MISS THIS?

7 months ago

Yesterday, Michael Laws on The Platform had Mary Byrne of Fluoride Free NZ on his show to discuss the High Court finding that Ashley Bloomfield's water fluoridation directive was unlawful. Towards the end of the discussion, Mary mentioned that the 2015 Cochrane Collaboration is one of several pieces of evidence (used to support water fluoridation) included in the letters Ashley Bloomfield sent to 14 councils in New Zealand in July 2022, in which he directed them to fluoridate their water supply. But Michael Laws disagreed, insisting that the Cochrane Collaboration isn't mentioned in any of those letters. After Michael finished speaking with Mary he took a call from Kane Titchener who also tried to inform him that the Cochrane Collaboration is indeed mentioned in Bloomfield's letters, but again, Michael wasn't having any of it. The fact is, the Cochrane Collaboration is mentioned no less than 3 times in every one of those 14 letters, yet somehow Michael missed this, even though he said the letters were right there in front of him as he spoke, and he was looking at them. How is this possible?

Whatever the reason, if he comes to understand he was wrong, will he admit he made a mistake and maybe have Mary back on the show to discuss further?

Below is a link to the Ministry of Health website where you can find all 14 letters. Open the letters and do a word search for "Cochrane Collaboration" and you'll see that in each letter, this is mentioned 3 times


Here is the full discussion with Mary, and the phone call from Kane Titchener:

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