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15 seconds

ZPE Capacitor

1 year ago

Good day folks, This experimented was the result of testing an idea I had using the theory of dielectric resonance. I explain my logic and what lead me to modify a capacitor to work as a "ZPE" capacitor.

Please note that like in all things "ZPE" this is an open looped system. Very important.

The interesting result, Is a secondary non symmetrical capacitor that builds up a steady DC charge. Without direct coupling or using a diode. All on the magnetics side of things like it should be.

With these results not so drastic with just around 100mv, I get that, It was just to test an idea I had and it leads to the possibility of building a ZPE amplifier device that can convert to low frequency energy. We can couple use a diode or inverter.

It always ends in concluding that with this stuff once again, It's all "backwards"

Perhaps we are doing it wrong in part or maybe not optimal to try and couple with the vacuum with just using conductive coils and conductive plate antennas, Perhaps the key is also using dielectric "antennas" to couple and interface with the ZPE.... What are your thoughts?

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