Capacitor Dump Battery Charging

10 months ago

Here after blowing up all my SCRs at hand. Looks like I will need to order some 600 volt diodes instead. Anyhow for now i'm just using the tablet and a transistor to control the cap dump pulse width, dumping the cap voltage into the battery at half decent intensity. Here I connect a test lamp in series with the battery plus and we really see the intense of that flash. I try to set the cap dump rate to dump near 100 volts at a time. The neon on the Back EMF generator transistors emitter and collector give me a good indication with the flash that the cap is dumping at around100 volts as this neon lights up and "protects" the transistor from back EMF high voltage spikes and limits to 100 volts.

Again not bad for 60ma 9 volts input. Not counting the tsblet of course, That is just for now until I can order some new SCRs and some little square wave generator modules like I already got to replace the tablet if the SCR method is not the way to go for dumping the cap voltages going into the long run.


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