11/15/23 Righteousness on a Tree "Rampage of the Southern King?" part 3 S3E15p3

1 year ago

11/15/23 Righteousness on a Tree "Rampage of the Southern King?" part 3
Often when studying Daniel 11, most of the emphasis is given to identifying the characters. “Who is the King of the North?” “Who is the King of the South?” But we’d do well to remember that we don’t serve either king, and we should be looking for Jesus Christ more than anything else. That’s just what we will do on today’s show, called “Righteousness on a Tree.” By identifying Jesus and His role in the rest of the prophecy, we gain a right perspective on all the other details we encounter; and when we apply that perspective to our real lives, we see how to navigate the recent election’s results and everything else that comes before Jesus returns.

For our fifteenth episode of Season Three, we again study Daniel chapter 11, with respect to the results of Election Day 2023.

Season 3 Episode 15
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