Oscillating Kapagen Coil

8 months ago

Oscillating Kapagen Coil without a high voltage spark gap input. The backEMF 5+ volts is more then enough to charge a single dead rechargeable battery only using 2 half dead AA input source batteries for the fly-back style oscillation to operate. I'm surprised this kind of a coil can self oscillate in this simple matter.Originally built for a high voltage experiment. So far this has been running for 3 days and I have not yet noticed an apparent voltage drop on the input voltage, Yet the dead battery is having no problems accumulating a charge from the backEMF with the help of a simple diode.

When I first turned this on, I noticed a smell with the original 2n2222a! It got instantly red hot and I burn it out! Interesting effect with such little input. So I replaced with the metal case version of the 2n2222a (TO-18) And used my screw driver as a crude heat sink and it gets hot to the touch now but does not burn out. After this observation I was sure that after a few hours this device would stop working. As from what I know when transistors run "hot" it means there's plenty of work going on... Plenty of work meaning very much current draw. But after 3 days and still this heat and no drop in input voltage is indeed interesting. Where is the heat coming from? High voltage from the backEmf pulse and what ever that sharp pulse brings back into the circuit from the local ambient as "feedback" into the transistor and as it runs hot may be a little "too" much feedback. But a special feed back that does not seem to linger the input drive. And so far is also charging a dead battery from the back Emf.

More experiment in the works with this configuration.


Please Help Support My Research: https://youtu.be/pYXETBB40j0

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