Small Ambient Powered DC Supply

7 months ago

Using a Primary and secondary coil designed as a Tesla coil recipient. The two coils sharing genuine earth ground. The optional coil goes into a variable capacitor framing an average tunable L/C circuit. I at that point associate this circuit to a Full bridge diode rectifier power supply. Arranged as a Split rail DC power supply. Going about as a voltage multiplier simultaneously. This upgrades the presentation and makes this circuit touchy in calm conditions also.

It is anything but difficult to get 3 volts DC or more in calm neighborhood conditions and substantially more if in developed zone close to high power Radio frequencies. The circuit is driven by close by RF, for example, electrical cables, close by motors and anything that may spill RF. This circuit is pretty much nothing new and is simply working to show a proof of idea. It could maybe charge your PDA for nothing.

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