Home made high voltage power supply

7 months ago

Here is my home made high voltage power supply and worked by me, without following a particular schematic. I just set up the riddle with arbitrary pieces and parts I had around. First stage is utilized dc from an old PC low voltage power supply that goes into high voltage NPN transistor mounted on a heat-sink taken from old sound system , this chops my dc at a recurrence of around 500 Hz. Utilizing old UPS transformer as input circle and fly back circuit, I also experimented with smaller sound transformers yet they would soften surprisingly fast in heat.

Next the 500 Hz slashed dc goes into my old CRT fly back transformer and comes out from the secondary side at a few of kv. At this point. This feeds my home made high voltage salt water capacitors, keeping that sweet flash spark going. The project is fit to be ventured up some more with something fascinating, for example, a Tesla coil power supply.

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