ep.308 JP Sears New Children's Book, Kenneth B., and Bradford Geyer on Remdesivir Lawsuit

6 months ago

This Week: Kimberly Bonati, Ethan Youker and Spine surgeon Alfred Bonati, M.D., discuss how todays children are being put under incredible pressure to define themselves at younger ages. Comedian JP Sears shares a new book that helps children tackle peer pressure head on, in “Chomp Chomp Chomp.” Then, spinal stenosis nearly cost Kenneth, his trucking career. After receiving the, exclusive, Bonati Spine Procedures, he’s thankful to back to work, pain-free. Plus, the pandemic underhandedly allowed pharmaceutical companies to push drugs without disclosing possible side effects. Attorney Bradford Geyer details a class action lawsuit against the makers of Remdesivir which may have caused a multitude of deaths.

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