The Idea of America And Why It Still Matters (No BS Version)

7 months ago

Today, we ponder America as an ideal. Not the BS version where everyone has a right to be offended and tell others what to do while they're at it. The idea that changed forever the history of the relationship between governments and the people they rule... the version that made the US - howsoever briefly - the shining city on the hill... the land of milk and honey... and the light of the world to all humanity.

Our uncle Ben Franklin is reported to have said, "Tyranny being the rule throughout all of human history, we propose to make one nation where the power of the state shall be restrained."

That's a rough translation, but you get the gist. The chief irony of our time is that most people seem to want the government to fix the mess we are in.

How else to explain the rolling fervor for the next election - when time and again it proves only to make the situation worse than before!

Vote if you feel you must. But don't be fooled... The solution to the problem cannot come from the very thing that created the problem in the first place.

Is there a way back to the original idea of America? Does anyone care enough to try?

in this episode, you'll hear:

For all of human history, it was the same until…

Is government restraint a law or a custom?

When did the US get into the empire business?

A government is just a bunch of people, and they are not your friends…

The push toward collectivism…

What is an ideal worth defending?

The perversion of individuality happens when…

There are no other rights except individual rights and nobody else to possess them except individuals.

If this idea disappears, it will be a dark age for humanity…

The fact I could be thrown off for saying this is proof of your biggest danger… This is how serious wars begin.

Can you find greater Freedom abroad?

It will get ugly before this happens…

Let him who can save himself…

Go international - it's easier than ever…

The major growth is in developing parts…

There's no downside to this…

I created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country.

Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government.

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