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Soros, Tucker and Ben Shapiro. Feathers of the same bird
This was an email, please do not be too harsh with the grammar and format:
Dear Mr X,
It was such a privilege speaking to you, however brief it was, on the Sunday you were going home to home recently. I wanted to follow up and discuss some of my own views on our Country, and some concerns I have, that our very nation is being degraded in several critical areas.
Financially/Economically –
As you are already aware, based on most of your discord on social media, we are in a financial crisis and our top 10 “Canadian” companies are not Canadian anymore, thus we are losing billions of dollars annually on existing loopholes and zero accountability for any accountants working for people like Trudeau, Morneau, Ford, etc etc.
Shopify is Canada’s #1 Company depending on the list and not owned by anyone living here and partnered with Amazon in 2015.
Just like in the military, I do not believe that individuals working within government should ever make a profit from their position, as we see with Ford and his decal business during this pandemic, and many other leaders who exploited a situation and certainly isn’t giving that money back to Canadian taxpayers like me, who he forced out of work and didn’t compensate even 1$ towards.
I do not think the answer is to increase taxes on corporations, because comparatively speaking, looking at other OECP countries that fair better, like Scandinavian ones (I will be mentioning them again), not only do most businesses in those countries pay MORE taxes than us (and we use off shore accounts, cheap labour in oppressed countries, use cash, “pay” family and friends, write things off, etc. anything to get out of paying taxes), they do it more willingly, as they see a bit of individual suffering necessary for the benefit of the collective. We do not trust our government with our taxes because we don’t trust our government anymore. People are also inherently “selfish” as a basic primal survival mechanism and if there are ways around giving money away that you have and want to keep (money provides basic survival needs), we will find a way.
There is a biological and social need to provide taxes in this Country and we need to start giving more accurate messaging instead of fear mongering, mind shaping, censored media (I will get back to this point later too).
When leaders can lie, cheat, steal, and do and say things that degrade and divide our nation, and use our money, that we earned, in such absurd ways without any accountability, it doesn’t seem like there is a lot of actual budgetary management going on. Please see my attached resume, and how I speak as someone who has a little bit more of an understanding of the government financial management process, since I was in charge of a very large budget during my time in the special forces.
Our Political Structure seems to be the most ideal *science suggests
In a free market, capitalist, democratic society, we are classified as being in “1st world countries” why? Because this model has proven to work for at least a couple of hundred years and we continue to advance and coexist, not degrade…until now.
In “1st world” countries, Individuals of different races, ethnicities, sex, sexual preference, political groups, religions, educational backgrounds, internal regions etc coexist in a way that appears to be fundamentally superior to Countries that are not as egalitarian or tolerant of different “anything and everything”.
Countries such as Germany in the 1920s,30s and 40s were not good examples of positive outcomes for the country or the individuals within it, and I feel like there isn’t further explanation necessary other than to say that in the 1920s, Adolf Hitler created the Socialist party that became the Nazi Party of Germany not long afterwards. The Ukraine also became more socialist in the 1930s and millions died of things such as starvation, and exactly what is happening in North Korea. I highly recommend watching this interview with Yeomni Parks, which is essentially a warning to Canada and the US IMHO, on how easy it is to go from being free to not free, and it starts with censorship.
If one looks at most country models, I feel compelled to compare them to family structures. Sow your own garden first, put on your own oxygen mask first…
The ideal model for a family, if that family where to work well with the collective within the country, advances the species, and does so while also contributing in other ways, such as companionship, support, protection etc. This is inherent in all species on earth, we select partners *the majority, based on our desire to procreate, for protection, or for companionship at the basic level.
Women have an inherent biologically necessity to procreate within a certain timeframe, despite the pseudo-science and anecdotal evidence. Ideally in Canada, it would be 20s-30s for women to conceive, when they are at their “prime” for childbearing and rearing. As we can see with the increase in fertility clinics and treatments, adoptions etc, we are at crisis level here and will further oppress “birthing countries” which, if you click you can see, the top birthing countries are where there is more poverty, less access to clean water, healthcare, civil wars and significantly more violence and oppression, less education, lower lifespan
Men and women are being fed extreme left ideologies that are causing men and women immense physical and emotional pain, as they try and navigate their life, and being told that their basic human needs and wants are “not right”. We are all being told we can live forever, give birth and raise a family if and when we want to, and also being told that doing that, is also sexist, racist and discriminatory. Where is the tolerance and ability to co exist when we cant even accept this as fact and reality? The majority of women (im not saying everyone) need to procreate here so that we can continue to progress, and the ideal structure for a child or children to have the best outcomes, comes from healthy, coupled parents who remain together. This idea that divorce is ok and just another day at the office breaks down the very foundation of our democracy. Many women I know (and myself) have been in long term failed relationships with men who did not have any urgency to move away from their parental unit, commit to a monogamous relationship, protect or support us (like most male species do on earth with the exception of monogamous, but some do, and we do have higher levels of cognition, so cannot justify not being able to “resist temptation”. ) there is a misconception that an individual in a democratic society can “do whatever we want, whenever we want” and this instant gratification technique does not serve the country well either.
If everyone did what they wanted in Canada, would anyone work? Does that mean there would be no murderers or rapists here? If I look at any society ever, there are NO examples of a society, where there were no individuals with anti-social behaviour on either end of the extremes (psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissistic personality disorder, mental health disorders where people need to be assisted and supported by the collective, etc. No society can ever exist where there will never be leaders and followers and never has, communism doesn’t work and we have many examples, every time we try, it ends with a loooot of deaths…like, millions.
We are getting worse in science and often unable to reproduce studies. This is because our universities are failing the students by imposing extreme left ideologies that are not based in actual science or proper research
Bill C – 16 – Terrible Idea
Identity politics and virtue signaling is degrading society
I believe because of people like George Soros, who are inadvertently (or not lol) censoring media by providing heavy donations (hundreds of millions) towards Facebook, Twitter, etc “misinformation wars” which they are being sued for, for removing information that was largely “right wing” in nature, or providing information that contradicted many leaders including Fauci, thus not allowing individuals to feel like they had informed consent. Even the vaccine hesitancy is because no one believes that every single scientist and doctor and leader are all on the same page. In any progressive society or hierarchy, there needs to be balance, there needs to be conflicting views to hold people accountable. When people or organizations are held to higher standards, that is what creates unity, trust, etc.
As a combat veteran who served 15 years in the CAF, as a female, and someone who has gone to war, been raped, stalked, harassed by individuals, I am offended by the #metoo movements that watered down real experiences women like me have experienced and waters down any form of change. I do not mean to downplay any women who have actually experienced criminal behaviour from men or women, but there is a difference between intent, action, result, and interpretation. Cuomo is in the media again, and people are calling for his resignation, so he is either “guilty” which many people are accusing him of being, or he is innocent and now being undeservedly attacked which I suspect must be incredibly stressful for him and his family. There is a huge difference in an actual sexual CRIME, like when my house was broken into and raped, or when women in India get gang raped for missing curfews, or 13 year old CHILDREN in Afghanistan who get raped by one of our Afghan National Army soldiers, and even after a key leader engagement trying to convince the family that their daughter did not shame their family, and was raped and a child, they still killed her. I want the women who “felt uncomfortable” over a greeting of any sort to know these stories. Men and women hit on each other, it is in our nature, yes, we absolutely need to resist temptation in society for many reasons *though shalt not cheat or lie or commit adultery etc, are all based on tried, tested and true social rules.
To lean further onto this point, as an infantry officer, and the first female PPLCI officer in the history of the regiment, I wasn’t naïve to think my welfare and such were dependent on anyone more so than myself, and that my reactions to events were ultimately what mattered most in order to be tolerated and coexist in a structure where I was absolutely the minority and on unfamiliar grounds. I needed to be resilient, and understand that being tolerated was more than enough for me to be grateful, especially in comparison to other models in other countries, with the exception of Scandinavian countries where we see that equal opportunity does not mean equal outcome, and if we keep with this trajectory, it actually further oppresses us, and degrades our services if we aren’t getting the best people for the job, and who want the job, so are motivated to meet the various steps in order to be successful. I assure you, as a woman, I exceed fitness standards, was top athlete in all my years at RMC, and also WestPoint, was on our CAF Military CISM running team, have conducted multiple ultra-marathons, and was one of the fittest members in my Battalion, and as a woman, made a running team where I was the only female (obviously) at the try outs. I was not selected; I earned my spot. I am well known in the bodybuilding and military community, so again, its not easy, and not common for women based on our limitations, and that should be accepted, because if not, it becomes a liability.
Because there were different fitness standards, this also caused division and people assumed I was only an Infantry officer because I was a woman, so a minority quota to fill a spot, and only made it because the female physical fitness standard was lower, despite being required to do the exact same job. I earned respect when I served because I lead by example and showed that I wasn’t there because of a quota or lower standards, but it was constant for any new person whom I interacted with. Not every job or hobby or pastime can be filled 50/50 male/female at all times.
I would love to have more open dialogue and debate courses taught to our public servants so that individuals can have "exposure therapy" to make us more empowered and resilient as a collective. Statistically speak, women are generally more agreeable than men, and men are more aggressive than women. There is a substantial amount of scientific evidence to support this. Further to that, and ultimately what makes this critical - the extremes are what matter the most, and where we see women on the agreeable extreme, this leads to anti-social behavior in such that they generally do not speak up, or out when they perceive a "threat", and attempt a "fawning type survival mechanism that is only recently being added into the scientific literature (Pete Walker discusses this in his book on CPTSD, which I highly recommend anyone read), and men, as more aggressive in their extreme, leads to anti-social behaviour such as murder, rape, assault, etc. This cannot be overlooked in these types of hierarchies and there absolutely are ways to coexist in a more egalitarian way, but NOT with the current framework or Ethos/Culture that there is currently, and sadly, I think my views and opinions, which all stem from significant scientific literature, and research, has always seemed so controversial and almost offensive to individuals. I would love to facilitate discussions just like I do with Discovery University at the Ottawa Mission, or the Book Club we hold for transient individuals in the Ottawa area, it all fundamentally boils down to the same thing. I would love to opportunity to discuss ways ahead for the CAF with a panel.
Viktor Frankl explored during his experiences in concentration camps during WWII, and as a holocaust survivor, despite incredible odds, wrote one of the most impactful books arguably of the century, and which laid down the foundations to explore our own motivations to live, even when being alive, in that moment in time, defies most of our beliefs that we could not, in turn, find our own means of survival if placed in similar positions. Humans are, or at least, were until the past decade, the apex predators on earth. We survived countless natural and unnatural disasters over the millennia and are still tied to this notion that we only came to be as advanced as we are today, within the last five thousand years.
It baffles me to see so many professionals dismiss or refuse to believe any evidence that slowly erodes the entire belief system one is subjugated to at birth, and reinforced throughout adulthood and groomed to adopt, with unyielding obedience, while punishing those who would dare question said culture, religion, political party, language, race, biological sex, sports team, vehicle, pet, car, wife, husband, etc. etc. We have gone from suffering for a purpose to purposefully suffering, in altered states of reality.
I do not say this to sound negative, however the US has about 5% of the population, but consumes 80% of the worlds opioids, and the majority of Americans and Canadians are now on prescription medications, have 2 or more illnesses as defined by WHO, are overweight or obese, and now, for the first time ever, our children will die younger than us if we do not support and raise them properly. I am not bashing or criticizing anyone’s parenting, and yearn to be a mother someday soon, taking matters into my own hands, but I digress….
I am concerned that adults are making dumb decisions for our children nonetheless, and we need to stop controlling and manipulating media, which is its own culture, and the BIGGEST and most extremist globally impactful and harmful culture or CULT there is. Until we find a way to “govern” or “police” the cult of social media, to attempt some sort of equivalent to pre covid federal and provincial or state rules and regulations or some sort of Charter of cyber rights and freedoms, I see no real solutions and only problems.
I believe based on some significant research and model comparisons, that more “cautious/conservative countries”, are fairing extremely well currently, and would not have survived or progressed with more “loose/liberal” policies.
Present Day Hungary and Poland
Hungary (and Poland) get heavily criticized for their center right political regimes, which has actually brought in more stability, economic surplus, national pride, financial stability, job growth (significant), border security, which is incredibly important given the geographic location, and the conflicts/civil war and refugee issues within all of their surrounding borders, 360 degrees of “threat”, which Canada and the US do not have, with the exception of the illegal immigration going on in the US, and increased in Canada significantly since Justin Trudeau came into office. If fact, there were record illegal immigrants that came here and also went from Mexico, to Canada and were crossing into the US (and still are) from the North. Borders with high threat countries is crucial for National stability and growth. We need to defend our borders as a country, from external threats, this is clear throughout history and with all species.
I have attached the data on Hungary to compare with all other countries, where of note, and I shared this on my IG, like I do many things like this, our quarterly GDP is 0.6, the UK is -1,6, US 1.6 and Hungary – an incredible 4.1 increase! They get bad press because the media is censored as I mentioned above, and very left leaning, which does not allow for balance, and there is a left, that is too left. We are almost there.
Interview with Hungarian Leader this week –
Senator Paul Rand interviewing Fauci a little while ago, and he lied again.
I bring these points up because this model is not sustainable for Canadians and its in fact already harming us, and will continue to harm us, until this changes. History is repeating itself now, with the pandemic, and every time in history that there has been a pandemic or large scale “suffering”, societies have ALWAYS voted for the more “left or liberal (which that term needs to be reworked and so does the word conservative in government, they have lost all meaning) party, and it has always crippled every aspect of society for the masses (but not for the upper class and higher echelon government individuals who blindly obeyed some pretty “murdery” orders, justifying the slaughtering of millions of human beings who were projected as “ill, or unworthy” within their society. That is how communism works, you murder everyone at the “bottom” so there needs to be a new bottom, but that bottom takes time because no one wants to go lower on the “power chain” but people need to do labour and maintain infrastructure for the government and upper class, so there is pressure and turmoil and a further impacted economy with significantly less exports unless using actual slaves/prisoners (which many countries do) and justify because they need to have the lights on, gas in their cars, food on their tables, home and vehicle repairs etc . There is a lot of research finally not getting censored, because even our scientific literature, pubmed and such are given heavy (billions and can be found online which surprises me) charitable donations from Bill and Melinda gates, Mark Zuckerberg etc and there are several major lawsuits over censoring and redacting or amending scientific literature that was remotely “concerning” regarding vaccines and covid -19, which is unethical and does not provide informed consent.
This is a lecture regarding Adolf Hitler and how he did exactly what I speak of above, and how we can learn to avoid it.
I have attached a few of such research studies that finally made its way outside of the censored network.
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