Young excess deaths in 2023

10 months ago

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‘Excess mortality’ continuing surge causes concerns

Life insurance executives and actuaries believe the numbers are alarming

Life insurers paid record levels of claims in 2021,

biggest one-year increase since 1918

Distributed a record $100.28 billion in total death benefits.

Younger adult death rate up 20% in 2023

Center of Disease Control that show mortality rates alarmingly rising for different categories.

The surge in excess deaths caught carriers off guard

15 – 19 years

% difference from 2019

2018, 1%
2020, 21%
2021, 28%
2022, 21%
2023, (Jan – May), 24%

30 – 34 years

% difference from 2019

2018, -1%
2020, 30%
2021, 42%
2022, 30%
2023, (Jan – May), 23%

40 – 44 years

% difference from 2019

2018, -2%
2020, 30%
2021, 45%
2022, 30%
2023, (Jan – May), 25%

Cause of death data show increased cardiac mortality in all ages.

As COVID-related causes declined in 2022,

others rose, particularly stroke, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases.

Society of Actuaries poll

In August 2022, 85% thought excess morality rates would continue to 2025.

In September 2023, 79% believed excess mortality rates will continue through 2026.

UK data

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