Steve Quayle Excavation in Mexico: Proof of Fallen Angel Civilization of Genetic Mutants

1 year ago

This video is a preview of Steve Quayle's mind blowing excavation of Artifacts from Mexico. His full Webinar occurred on July 30th. This video includes his trailer and a video in which he discusses more in depth some of the things that will be addressed in his Webinar. Then I include some excerpts from a recent interview Steve did with Paul Begley.
Link to the Webinar sign up on Doug Hagmann's site:

Link to Steve's interview with Pastor Paul Begley:

One of the things I found very intriguing about Steve's information was that the artifacts he found were fluorescent, and he points out that reptiles can see ultra-violet light. This immediately made me wonder about the use of Luciferase in medical products in recent years and the implementation of ultra-violet street lights in many places.

Another very important thing Steve brings out is that there has been a recent discovery by Scientists after extensive DNA analysis of mummies, that Pharaoh Ehanton Amenhotep IV was a human alien hybrid. (See Space article May 9, 2021).
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