Broken World In The Eye Of One Boy(Video)

6 months ago

Instrument of corrupted hate

broken deals made to subjugate

thousand fallen, delusional streams

One eye is born to see

behind the veil,

behind the crazed turmoil

behind the world without the black oil

go to a place,

where is no abnormality like the human “race”(racing)

worlds are born, reality torn

new ways are on a daily basis scorn

Choose the right vibrant song

an encoded fluid direction

orchestrated blameless section

Find the bright frozen way,

clear the mud-stained display

listen to the hidden call


where we belong

my only Son…

Listen, do not land wrong

follow the Aryan ancient song

find the space, beyond the malevolent chase

ask yourself,

don't doubt,

don't dwell

Where is our morning silently torn?

where does our mortality truly belong?

Dream away, my precious boy

go there…

where your young heart belongs

dont bother, with so longs…

dont waste your energy on old ruined gongs

Thousand years are now past

You do not belong to trivial,

Golden fabricated Dust

go now my child,

you must!

Believe in yourself

learn the importance of words,

carry with you the voice of new sacred accords

Honor, Love, Bravery, and Trust

Avatar here is a thing of the past

only your true name will last

Sail away in silence

forget the heinous acts of dictated violence

You deserve a far better dish

Grant me this last dying wish

Travel well my boy,

dont forget

You are nobody's toy

(In Croatian):

Budi samo svoj!(be yourself)

Even the Gods can not tell you

what you will love the most

true love doesn’t cost a dime

just think about this rhyme

so long…

My young prince

dream far better dreams

stay away, from howling extremes

learn and teach what true evil means

The time has come…


where you truly belong…

stay strong.

my last wish is just this song.

where you are going,

nobody is born “wrong”

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