DREAMER'S THRONE: Seth Ring's latest #LitRPG manages to avoid main pitfalls of the genre.

9 months ago

In an unexpected turn of events this summer, successful LitRPG author Seth Ring reached out after (I assume) seeing my video about his preferred genre and offered me a review copy of his next book. I hadn’t read anything from him before but it looked interesting, so I took it on.

DREAMER’S THRONE is the first in a new series. It was clever and had a challenging protagonist in a difficult world, who had to rely on brains and interpersonal relationships to survive his surroundings. The story didn’t waste too much time digging through the stat sheet and at a tidy 400 pages/12 audio hours, it didn’t overstay its welcome either. I enjoyed it.

Get your copy here: https://www.amazon.com/Dreamers-Throne-Fantasy-LitRPG-Adventure-ebook/dp/B0C9VW6BYM

Other reviews: crackerstack.substack.com

Main website: dreadpennies.com

Contact: dreadpennies@gmail.com

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