(Ch. 11:8-15) Romans in Context

1 year ago

In Chapter 11, we will see Paul's goal of the letter. Has the nation of Israel been forsaken?

Keys of the Kingdom on Spotify https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/keyskingdom1619

Tony Pino's teaching on a theology called "The Golden Chain of Redemption." https://youtu.be/_enUzHgoGco?si=BkEXgcul7lmBHd2u

Are the Ten Tribes of Israel Lost? https://youtu.be/N7P2mQjj2mY

Did YaHweh Divorce Israel (Part 1) https://youtu.be/SPWYVX9qXnU

Did YaHweh divorce Israel (Part 2) https://youtu.be/KODFrdp9at8 J

K McKee and his article "Works of Law" https://messianicapologetics.blog/faqs/W_Works_of_the_Law.pdf

Rob Vanhoff on the term "works of law" (Part 1) https://youtu.be/HBTlxNZSK6U

Rob Vanhoff on the term "works of law" (part 2) https://youtu.be/Vt2dgtVjFYU #romans9

#romans #romans11 #replacementtheology #suppersessionism #yeshua #jesus #christ #messiah # faith #faithfullness #works #worksoflaw #traditionsofmen #traditions #ethnicity #covenant #siani #sianocovenant #torah #newcovenant #britchadashah #circumcision #flesh

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