8 months ago

Lyrics inspired by Psalm 76: "In Judah, God is known, His name shines so bright,
In Salem, His tent, in Zion, His might.
Breaking warrior's bows, the shields, and the fight,
Majestic and fierce, a glorious sight.
God of Judah, formidable and grand,
Mountains melt like wax, at Your command.
Rulers and kings, before You they stand,
In awe of Your wonders, across the land.
When You rose to judge, to save the oppressed,
Earth trembled and stilled, in Your holiness dressed.
Even the wrath of man, to You is addressed,
For Your purpose stands, forever blessed.
No mortal can stand, when You're in ire,
Your judgments are heard, roaring like fire.
Yet, You're the refuge, our one true desire,
Lifting us high, taking us higher.
God of Judah, formidable and grand,
In awe of Your wonders, across the land.
Make vows to the Lord, let praises be sung,
For He cuts off spirits, shields the young." Music created by Rolleen using Suno.

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