Dolton Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard, Trustees Balk At Paying Bills & Claims Of Political Targeting Spark Drama!

6 months ago

Source: WGN TV
Dolton Illinois, Mayor Tiffany Henyard, Trustees Balk At Paying Bills & Claims Of Political Targeting Spark Drama!
DOLTON, Ill — It’s a town in turmoil. Village Board meetings erupt into chaos amid allegations of misspending and harassment. And lawsuits accuse officials of targeting political opponents.
It’s becoming a regular occurrence in south suburban Dolton.
It seems no one agrees on who to blame, though many concede it’s the residents and business owners who are suffering.
“It’s all a very big abuse of power,” Stephanie Wiedeman, director of the Dolton Park District, said.
Take the case of Lawrence Gardner. The Dolton truckyard owner claims he’s been repeatedly harassed for not supporting Mayor Tiffany Henyard.
“I’m suffering,” Gardner said. “They destroyed my trucking company. They shut my store down.”
Gardner said the village wrongly revoked his business license. Village records, however, show he’s been accused of throwing illegal parties.
Where his allegations are concerned, he’s not alone.
Others in town share similar stories of alleged retaliation for not backing Henyard, a former trustee who was elected mayor in 2021.
“It’s a regular occurrence,” Wiedeman said. “She uses the police force to intimidate residents.”
In Wiedeman’s case, she said the mayor objected to a car show on park district property and had the event shut down.
“She used her entire police force to come in and prevent something from happening because things didn’t go her way really,” she said.
Businesses and village employees are now suing Dolton.
“I filed the lawsuit because I am a victim of retaliation,” Aris Montgomery, Dolton’s deputy village clerk, said. “People are walking on eggshells, so to speak. They’re afraid to have an opinion about anything or to fulfill their duties."

Second Half

DOLTON, Ill. — Dolton may be a small south suburb, with less than 21,000 residents, but WGN Investigates found its political leaders have big bills and expensive taste.
In the first of our two-part series, we reported how some residents, village employees and business owners claim Mayor Tiffany Henyard retaliates against her political opponents.
Now, we bring you the story of a spending spree that’s causing questions and concern.
“We still have areas that need trees cut, streets paved, alleys paved [and] sidewalks fixed,” said Dolton Trustee Tammie Brown. “It’s a lot that’s going on.”
And a lot that’s being spent – not on critical repairs – but on travel, meals and more.

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