Ha! The Last Time We Saw Rachel Maddow Throw A Fit Like This Trump Had Just Won The Presidency

7 months ago

Regardless of whether or not you're a Trump supporter, the idea that he is somehow moving the Right to fascism is something lawn flamingos have been trying to push since he first came down that escalator. And we have to say, it's quite amusing watching Rachel Maddow losing her mind over him AGAIN and claiming Republicans are being 'tested' by his so-called antisemitism when we've seen SO MUCH antisemitism from the Left. Does she think Democrats have to prove they won't tolerate Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar as an institution? We're going to guess that's a big ol' NO.

Rachel Maddow, "He wants to be the Republican nominee for president. So that is the only institution, the institution that is be tested here. This is him testing the political party that he says he's going to lead Testing them now to see what they will tolerate an institution." -- Yiiiikes. She's one of those people who thinks she's clever and waits for others to notice how clever she really is as she goes into whatever tirade she's peddling that day. You know, when we watch her, we can't help but think of another annoying broad who thinks she's clever but she's not …

• More at: Twitchy - HA! The Last Time We Saw Rachel Maddow Throw a Fit Like This Trump Had Just Won the Presidency

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