Exceeds the Limits of Other Formal Languages #Catala #Legalise #Tau #Taunet #Taulanguage

1 year ago

Question: What does Ohad make of programming languages like Catala: A Programming Language for the Law and Legalize, a Non-Turing complete language? Is Tau’s language used for smart contracts as powerful or comparable?

Answer: All known formal languages, whether they deal with law or not are unable to express the law of changing the law which has to do with asking about statements in the language itself, whether they contradict other statements, and so on and we are the only one who were able to crack this important problem. So, I don’t expect a Catala or Legalist to be able to do such a thing.

Further, we also adapted to speak about the time ordering of statements. So not only whether it’s true or not, but the way they appear in time and this is important for software specification purposes. So I would expect that on this front, the languages are very different whether everything expressible in Catala or Legalize can be expressed in the languages that we work on, I don’t know.

As long as the languages are decidable and this is a propositional clause, so you can take the conjunctions, disjunction, and negation of any sentence, then we can add our support language to speak about its own sentences as well as ordering in time of sentences, as a language extension to that language. So our solution is really open-ended and applies to virtually all languages. So in principle, there’s no limitation to adapting everything that those two languages can express in our setting.

#TauInnovation #TauLanguage #LegalTechInnovation #ProgrammingRevolution #FormalLanguages #SelfReferenceSolved #TemporalOrdering #DecidabilityMatters #ExpressiveProgramming #SoftwareSpecification #InnovationInCode #LawAndTech #ProgrammingBreakthrough #OpenEndedSolutions #FutureOfCoding #LimitlessAdaptability #LanguageEvolution #TauInAction #TechAdvancement #CodeBeyondLimits #CatalaVsTau #LegalizeVsTau #ProgrammingParadigmShift #NextGenLanguages #InfinitePossibilities #TimeAwareCoding #RevolutionizingSyntax #LawInCode #SmartContractsElevated #TauInnovatesProgramming #TauNet #Tauchain #agoras #Tau

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Tau Official Discord: https://discord.gg/fuTA5ymZ
Tau Official Development Updates: https://github.com/IDNI/TML
TML Playground: https://tml.tau.net/

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