The Astral Body - Non-Physical Dimensions of Reality - Mind & Soul - Body of Light & Astral Travel

7 months ago

The astral body is a concept derived from various spiritual and esoteric traditions, representing a subtle, non-physical aspect of an individual's being. It is often considered distinct from the physical body and is believed to exist on a plane or dimension commonly referred to as the astral plane. Here is a short description of the astral body:

The astral body is thought to be a vehicle for consciousness that operates beyond the constraints of the physical form. Proponents of the concept believe that during states such as astral projection or during dream experiences, the consciousness can temporarily separate from the physical body and inhabit the astral body. This ethereal form is often described as having a luminous or energy-like quality and is believed to be capable of traveling and interacting in non-physical realms.

The astral body is closely associated with the idea of consciousness, emotions, and thoughts existing independently of the physical body. In various mystical and metaphysical traditions, it is suggested that the astral body plays a role in experiences such as out-of-body experiences, lucid dreaming, and spiritual journeys. While the concept is not scientifically validated, it holds significance in the realms of spirituality, mysticism, and the exploration of consciousness.

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0:00 - Intro
5:50 - Astral Projection
9:32 - Sleep & Otherworldly Experiences - Dreams & Sleep Paralysis
15:20 - The Afterlife & The Soul - Platonic Philosophy
23:32 - Neo-Platonic Philosophy
31:23 - Renaissance & Revival of Neo-Platonism
38:40 - Early Modern Period
45:35 - Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn
52:44 - Aleister Crowley - The Holy Guardian Angel & Spiritual Enlightenment
58:44 - Tibetan Buddhism
1:01:17 - The Subtle Body Concept In Modern Science

#esoteric #astralbody #subtlebodies

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