The Kingdom message brings us all together - no more division!!

1 year ago

What are the essentials of our message after we agree that the Bible is our only reference on matters of history and the true state of things in heaven and earth? The things we can't physically see or could see due to our dust-like condition and limited lifetime on earth.

The Bible is the sole source of resolving arguments over matters of doctrine and truth.

1. He created everything in 6 literal 24 hour days. The sun moon and stars were spoken into existence on the 4th day of Creation. Earth is fixed beneath the Throne of Heaven.

2. A Great earth-wide Flood happened to judge the wickedness and violence of mankind influenced by the seed of the serpent. All of nature was tremendously impacted by this Flood. All cultures of that time were deeply impacted by the net result of the Great Flood.

3. All the promises to Abraham are being fulfilled in us who believe and will be fulfilled totally when Jesus restores Israel back to full fellowship with The Father after they recognize they killed their Messiah as a nation.

4. The Pentecostal winds still blow which means all the power and grace that the original saints received on the first Day of Pentecost are still available today for all those who are filled with the Holy Spirit.

5 God Almighty is the same yesterday today and forever. Immutable and unchanging God. His personality didn't change from the times of the patriarchs to the full commission of the Gospel message preached by the apostles.

6. Salvation from death and judgment only comes through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ who was a literal human made perfect without sin and who was the Perfect Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

7. Jesus literally rose from a real tomb thus defeating the power of sin and death once and for all as well as restoring the earth back to the Father and for all those who have walked by faith on His earth.

8. Jesus ascended back to His quite literal Throne located directly over this and His earth.

9. One day all those who have confessed their sins and called upon the Name of Jesus Christ for salvation will inherit the earth when Christ returns to sit on His throne in Jerusalem.

10. Satan and his angels will be judged and sent to the Lake of Fire along with those who did not receive the message of peace with God and personal reconciliation with the earth's real Judge, a message we are preaching today.

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