Testing Out The New Galactic Legend Monthly Event | Preview: HARD

1 year ago

The GL event has finally dropped. Some tiers aren’t bad, some are total bull shit. The SLKR tier is by far the biggest load of shit, even people in my guild are complaining about how obnoxious it is.

There’s also a mini-rant in there about my 8 month old cat. He’s VERY annoying and the place I got him from pisses me off because I specifically said I want a calm, relaxed, cuddly cat, and what do they give me? Hyper, destructive, annoying. So as I was recording this, he knocked over a vase with flowers in it, so theres water all over the floor, flowers all over the place and just extreme irritation for me.

The rant goes on for MUCH longer, I cut a vast majority of it out (hence why the SLKR tier is removed — it was all ranting).

So ya, thanks to my cat, I feel like this video was ruined.

Oh also, as a side note, I attempted the SEE tier and was able to 1 star it on my first try. If this cat didn’t fuck shit up, that would have made it on recording.

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