Gray breeder pair gray aye beautiful

7 months ago

The grey pigeon, scientifically known as Columba livia domestica, is a common bird species found worldwide. Here's a brief description:The grey pigeon is a medium-sized bird with a distinct, predominantly grey plumage. Its feathers are shades of ash-grey with subtle variations. It typically has a slightly iridescent sheen on its neck and head. The chest and belly often have a lighter shade of grey, while the wings and tail may have darker tones.Their eyes are usually dark and their beaks are a pale shade of grey. The pigeon's legs and feet are often a pale pink or greyish color. They possess a streamlined and graceful build, adapted for agile flight.Known for their adaptability, grey pigeons are often found in urban environments, perched on buildings, statues, and ledges. They are known for their distinctive cooing calls, which are a familiar sound in many cities around the world.Grey pigeons are sociable birds, often seen in flocks. They are omnivores, with a diet consisting of seeds, grains, and occasional small insects. Due to their widespread presence and ability to coexist with humans, they have become one of the most recognizable and studied bird species globally.

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