You are teleported back to 2001 terminator-style (butt ass naked) and end up in the middle of NYC

1 year ago

You are teleported back to 2001 terminator-style (butt ass naked) and end up in the middle of Times Square. What do you do or say to convince people youÂ’re not a stoned homeless person?
I'd emulate Old Biff and try to predict something that I knew would be coming up. They'd at least figure that I was either a time traveler or a psychic.Edit: Or insane, true...
"You guys are alright. Don't go to work on Sept 11th."
Did they just see me come out of a ball of electricity? Ill need no explanation....
What's the date? I feel the city might be a little preoccupied.
I would start with "your clothes, give them to me now".
I'd probably just cry
2001 Times Square....I doubt anyone would care or notice...
Like with the blue ball that appears, then pretty sure they would believe me right?edit: With blue ball I do not refer to blue testicles, I mean the sphere from wich the terminator comes out because of the time machine. Please people understand that.
I'd call 2001 me to wire me some money, then get back home to talk about the next 20 years. I'd been expecting that call, so it wouldn't have been a stretch.
Stand outside of the TRL window
Jokes on you. I am a stoned homeless person
I’d just pick up a guitar.
Shout "Wooo, spring break"
Say something really smart like *You have fingertips but not toe tips, yet you can tip toe but you can’t tip finger*
I'd want them to believe I'm a stoned homeless person so they would leave me alone.
Just say I got muggedEdit: wow did not expect this to blow up. Thank you kind strangers for the awards
I think the giant ball of reality bending, asphalt melting energy would do that for me.
You say: Shit! That must have been a **seriously** good party. Everyone laughs and you go on to make serious moves on bitcoin.
I wouldn't.A stoned homeless person is likely to end up in rehab or detox which is infinitely preferable to jail or a mental institution in such a situation. Ergo: if cops think I'm just homeless and stoned out of my mind, I will encourage them to keep believing it.
As a chick I’m pretty sure I could say I was drugged and abandoned or something.
Kill someone and steal their leather jacket.
Go find a cop, tell them a story about how someone robbed me at gunpoint and took all my clothes and ask for something to wear
Try to send my parents a letter. Telling them to invest stock in Gamestop and a thing called bitcoin.
I'd just steal the naked cowboy's hat and start taking pics with people for $$. After about 20 minutes when I have at least $600, I wander over to 5th ave and buy some nice threads. I then head to whatever club is coolest and start assembling a posse of badasses to stop 9/11.
It’s Times Square, you might be ignored.
I'm not going to lie. If put in this situation I wouldn't bother with trying to stop 9/11. Before my departure I'd look up past winning powerball numbers, beg for 2 dollars, and then go find myself.
idgaf about any of those people I'm running back to California to warn my dad to never go to the party he got shot and killed at
Come with me if you want to live
Wait till you hear about covid 19!
I would start running and screaming facts about these 20 years in Spanish. Then I will wait 5-10 years until "Crazy Spanish nudist" becomes popular on youtube.People will go crazy when everithing I said becomes real.
“I need yoah clothes, yoah boots, und yoah motahcycle.â€

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