Simply unacceptable’: Labor suggesting some type of ‘equivalency’ in the Israel-Hamas conflict

6 months ago

Former prime minister Scott Morrison says there have been these statements from the Labor government that suggest "some type of equivalency" in the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Mr Morrison’s remarks come after Foreign Minister Penny Wong called for steps toward a ceasefire in the Middle East.

“Any suggestion or implication left hanging out there, that there is some sort of equivalency, moral equivalency between the atrocities committed by Hamas on Israelis and what now is Israel doing in its self-defence… is simply unacceptable,” Mr Morrison told Sky News host Sharri Markson.

“There would be no possibility of Israelis being able to live in that part of their country.

“Of course, they need to pursue this, of course they are providing the necessary warnings and humanitarian corridors and pauses that you would expect.”

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