🔵CME's, Nemesis and Cataclysmic Pole Shift - Jacob of Ephraim : 304

1 year ago

This week we are joined by researcher and YouTube creator Jacob of Ephraim.

Jacob’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@jacobofephraim1041

Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) are huge eruptions of plasma from the Sun’s corona, the outermost layer of the Sun’s atmosphere. They are often associated with solar flares, which are sudden bursts of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun. However, the exact relationship between coronal mass ejections and solar flares is not well understood.
Coronal mass ejections can travel at different speeds, ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand kilometres per second. They can reach Earth in anywhere from 15 hours to several days, depending on their speed and direction. When they interact with Earth’s magnetosphere, they can cause geomagnetic storms, which can affect power grids, communication systems, satellites, and astronauts. They can also trigger beautiful auroras, which are colourful displays of light in the sky caused by charged particles colliding with the atmosphere.

The Nemesis Star Hypothesis proposes that the Sun has a distant companion star, called Nemesis, that periodically disturbs the orbits of comets and asteroids in the outer solar system, sending some of them towards Earth and causing mass extinctions. The hypothesis was first suggested in 1984 by Richard Muller, who based it on the apparent cycle of 26 million years between major extinction events in Earth’s history. He proposed that Nemesis was a red dwarf star, about 1.5 light-years away from the Sun, beyond the Oort cloud.

Cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis is a theory that suggests that there have been rapid and dramatic changes in the position of Earth’s axis of rotation, causing disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and climate changes. According to this hypothesis, the crust of Earth can move independently from the mantle and core, due to the influence of external forces, such as gravity from the Sun and the Moon, or internal forces, such as centrifugal force and convection currents. This movement can cause the crust to slide over the mantle, shifting the geographic poles and changing the latitudes of continents and oceans.
The cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis is often confused with the geomagnetic reversal, which is the periodic reversal of Earth’s magnetic field, switching the north and south magnetic poles.
The cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis has been popularised by some authors, such as Charles Hapgood, who claimed that ancient civilizations had knowledge of pole shifts and predicted their occurrence in the near future. He also suggested that pole shifts were responsible for the extinction of some animals, such as the woolly mammoth, and the preservation of their remains in frozen regions.

#solarflare #nemesistheory #massextinction

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