Can Individuals Have the Holy Spirit?? How to get the Holy Spirit!

1 year ago

Who has the Holy Spirit, who gets the Holy Spirit? How do you get the Holy Spirit? What does it mean to have the Holy Spirit? What happens if you don’t have the Holy Spirit and never had him? If you have a Holy Spirit, what’s the result in your life? If you have the Holy Spirit, what happened in your life so that you’ll have the Holy Spirit?

Jesus is Lord!
Jesus Christ came to earth and human flash, and was born from a virgin birth. He is the Son of God, He lived a perfect and sinless life. He taught us the truth, He died on the cross for our sins, He said it is finished, He was put in the tomb, on the third day, He rose again to life, He appeared to many people, and taught the truth and more, then He went up to heaven in the witness of 500 people at the same time. And He is coming again soon!

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