Clarence Thomas Political Cartoons!

7 months ago

Today the cartoonists bash Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas! Justice Thomas has recently been embroiled in ethics scandals about very expensive vacations, undisclosed gifts and purchases of property paid for by his buddy, billionaire real estate developer, Harlan Crowe, leading to speculation that Thomas has been selling his votes on the court.

We also remember Thomas's confirmation hearings, decades ago, where he was accused to sexually harassing Anita Hill. Thomas' wife, Ginni has also been controversial as a conservative activist and conspiracy theory believer, who lobbied the White House and state legislators to overturn the presidential election, to turn the election over to VP Mike Pence to presumably decide the election for President Trump on January 6th.

And there were the accusations of workplace sexual harassment made against Thomas by Anita Hill during his confirmation hearings.

We have FOUR great cartoonists today:

From Maine, RJ MATSON is the cartoonist for Roll Call in Washington DC for over 30 years. For many years, RJ was the cartoonist for the St Louis Post-Dispatch, he's been a cartoonist for The New York Observer, The New Yorker, Mad Magazine and he's won lots of awards.

From FLORIDA we have Taylor Jones who has been drawing cartoons for decades for the Hoover Digest. For many years he was the cartoonist for El Nueva Die in Puerto Rico and for US News & World Report, and he has a butterfly garden in his backyard.

Monte Wolverton, from Washington State draws wonderful, quirky, liberal cartoons that we syndicate everywhere. Monte is doing a crowd funding campaign now at, please take a look. It is tough to make a living in editorial cartoons with newspapers dying, so the support of fans can make all the difference in keeping artists like Monte drawing. You can make a difference. Visit

and Ed Wexler in Los Angeles Ed was a Creative Director at Disney for thirty years. He was a regular cartoonist for US News and World Report and drew the star studded caricature covers for the Hollywood Reporter’s Emmy and Academy Awards issues for many years.

Be sure to visit to see many more cartoons, including complete archives of the cartoonists work and visit for a complete transcript and more about each of our podcasts! Here's an excerpt from our transcript:

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