Dr Bob Gill in Cambridge 9th November 2023: Part 1 - Presentation

1 year ago

In 2019, Dr Gill, a GP based in south London, and Drew McFadyen, who had experienced the failures of the NHS first hand, released their film about the piecemeal privatisation of the NHS, called THE GREAT NHS HEIST.
Dr. Gill gives up his free time to travel around the country to talk to audiences about what has been happening to healthcare in the UK over the last few decades, and what we can do about it. On Thursday 9th November, he and Colin Crilly of Riverside Radio visited Cambridge to give a talk, and answer questions afterwards.

PFI in the NHS—is there an economic case?
"Investment under the private finance initiative costs more than public sector procurement. The annual charge for the use of privately financed facilities is between 9.1% and 18% of the original construction cost, whereas government can borrow at interest rates of 3.0% to 3.5%"

The website for the Great NHS Heist can be found here:

The youtube channel is here:

The short, final cut version of the film is here:

Dr Bob Gill on Twitter:

Colin Crilly's takeover at Riverside Radio/Andy Bungay's show can be found here:


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