Simpsons S22E6 The Fool Monty - 2011 US media creates a flu like epidemic and releases to the public

7 months ago

Amazing how fiction can pre-date and mirror non-fiction!

but of course the US "deep-state" war machine led by Clinton, Obama and Biden (and supported by the English monarchy, some Tories and Republicans) only paid for Coronavirus research in Wuhan, they wouldn't be crazy enough to actually release it to scare peopel into taking Trump's injection, as if, next someone will say they rig elections and go on illegal crusades accross the middle east for Oil and Opium based on an event whose official story is a physical and scientific impossibility....

It's just TV so don't be silly, not like the US would elect TV people to government office....

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

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