Heroic Helpers Need Our Help

7 months ago

This is Michael Letts the founder of Invest U S A dot org. Today, I want to tell you about two stories that deserve our attention and response.
Like never before, our heroic men and women in blue are coming under political, racial, and even physical attack. Violent groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter force confrontations in the street. Far-left politicians demand defunding of the police. Weak-kneed District Attorneys refuse to prosecute the criminals that our patrolmen and women risk their lives to arrest. Even hardened criminals charged with brutal crimes often find themselves back on the street faster than you can say, “George Soros.” And let’s not even talk about how many police officers were suspended or lost their jobs for good after refusing to take those dangerous, mandatory COVID precautions during the recent epidemic.
Police officers, today, face on-the-job pressures that few civilians can understand. From moment to moment, they don’t know whether they will be asked to save a life or take one to protect innocent human beings.
Such a life and death episode was captured on the body cam worn by a New York City police officer who talked a fellow Marine Corps veteran off the bridge in Queens, just as he was prepared to commit suicide.
Meanwhile, on the west coast, fellow officers were investigating an epidemic of suicides that rocked the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Fox News reported that one retired member of the force and three active-duty employees all lost their lives because at that critical moment, they too needed human help.
There are ways we can all help. First, we can pray for our public servants…police, fire, and emergency medical personnel who risk their lives for us, daily. Second, we can become the heroes THEY need, and prove how much they are loved by donating any amount to help purchase active-shooter vests that can save their lives. Seeing how much you care will provide them with both the emotional and physical help they need.
By visiting our website, now…Invest U S A dot org…and clicking on the “donate tab” at the top or bottom of the page, you will be taken to a PayPal portal where you can join the fight and “just say no” to fear. A box will open at PayPal where you can help purchase the active shooter vests that our law enforcement authorities lack and so desperately require.
And that will make YOU a hero, too!


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