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Your Voice as a Healing Instrument with Yee Ley : 11:11 Sound Healing Summit

1 year ago

On 11:11, Megan Mary hosted the Transformative Sound Healing Summit for Women, bringing together 11 women sound healers to discuss the potential of sound healing for mind, body, and soul. Topics included dream analysis, solfeggio frequencies, aligning with sound medicine, tuning your biofield, angel songs, brainwave entrainment, arcturian healing, bio energetics, tuning forks in energy work, using the voice as a healing instrument, the energetics in health, crystal alchemy singing bowls tuned to specific chakras and the impact of sound and frequencies on healing and spiritual work.

Yee Ley is a Sound & Voice Alchemist and Personal Transformation Coach, of HK Chinese descent, born and raised in the UK. During 2012 angelic-song and language-of-light came through her voice on 12.12.12 with a clear message saying 'it is now time'. This event prompted a journey around the world to give voice to the land act as a conduit for the 'unseen' streams of consciousness sounding frequencies that help expand the consciousness of humanity Inspired by her teachers and her team of light, she has developed her own sound healing journeys and range of voice alchemy classes and also runs ancestral healing workshops. She now resides in New Zealand providing experiences for people to meet the inspired choices they are looking for. Her meditative tracks can be found on Insight Timer.

Connect with Yee-Ley at yeeleylau.com
Unpack Your Voice Story Group Online Workshop only $30NZ (60% off)
+ free guided vocal toning meditation MP3 on sign up.
Sign up with Yee-Ley by email at hello@yeeleylau.com use SUMMITOFFER as subject line for details.

Connect with Megan: Website: https://womensdreamanalysis.com/
Podcast: https://womensdreamenlightenment.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MeganMaryAuthor
Pintrest: https://www.pinterest.com/womensdreamanalysis/
InsightTimer: https://insighttimer.com/womensdreamanalysis
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/meganmaryi/

Book a Free 30 Minute Discovery Chat with Megan Mary today at

#soundhealing #1111 #awakening #1111portal #spiritualelevation #vibration #frequency


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