Rebuild Freedom, Brownstone Conference & Gala: Journalism Panel

1 year ago

Rebuild Freedom, Brownstone Conference & Gala: Journalism Panel

Synopsis: Panelists discuss the their journalistic discoveries and experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Moderator: Jeffrey A. Tucker, Founder of Brownstone Institute


Gabrielle Bauer: Toronto health and medical writer who has won six national awards for her magazine journalism. She has written three books.

Debbie Lerman: 2023 Brownstone Fellow, has a degree in English from Harvard. She is a retired science writer and a practicing artist and journalist.

Jim Bovard: 2023 Brownstone Fellow, is author and lecturer whose commentary targets examples of waste, failures, corruption, cronyism and abuses of power in government. Author of ten books.

Adam Creighton: Washington Correspondent, The Australian and former Economics Editor (2018-2021).

See the entire conference at NTD here:

Or watch the entire conference at Epoch Times here:

#journalism #covid19 #ntd #epochtimes

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