28. Fibre Love Podcast | Lumme, Northern Augustins No.1 | Nutiden Unboxing | Spinning Nutiden Fibre

1 year ago

This was recorded on Monday 30th October and 3rd and 4th November 2023.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cedartreesandbumblebees/

Please note this was my first time using a new editing software so some editing mistakes (especially in adding text) might have occurred,

00:30 Finished Objects:
Northern Augustins No.1 in Alafosslopi Ash Heather and Teal Heather.
Freestyled Top Down Raglan in Drops Alaska held double on 9mm needles.
Lumme by Sari Nordlund in Wooldreamers Manchelopis Dark Brown and Nutiden Rodnad, Mogen, Jeera, Liv, Vanessa and Karna.

29:05 Fibre:
Nutiden Spinning Fibre Att Carda Sex (six).
Nutiden Spinning Fibre Att Valla.
Fibres tops from World of Wool: Finnish Black. https://www.worldofwool.co.uk/

37:00 Yarn/Fibre Dying:
Wettenhall 100% Polwarth DK from World of Wool (dyed with avocado pits by me).
Masham Fibre (white, light grey, dark grey) dyed with Lapsang Souchong tea and carded.

45:10 Lost footage occurred here. Things might seem like they are jumping a bit because of it. Unfortunately I was unable to retrieve the footage or refilm successfully despite trying. I showed my current cast ons as well as unboxed Nutiden unspun wool in Kopparstik, Pikant and Hag.

45:25 Nutiden unspun yarn: Hag, Frande, Agt Rum, Krusiduller, Vagabond, Morker 2022, En Special, Onska (footage of Pikant and Kopparstik was lost).

Note on Palestine:
Children are viewed as sacrosanct in any society claiming civility. Claiming human values. Because we recognise innocence to be too pure and good to be interfered with. Our instincts are to protect it. But we are seeing precious children being destroyed, limbs torn from little bodies, crushed under the rubble of their homes, burned under the onslaught of bombs. So many. We are watching Palestine and are souls are being devastated because the killing of innocents, of children, is an evil beyond comprehension. So we feel hollow and black inside, hunched and crumpled. Trying to ignore the heaviness and get on with our lives. But the tightness in the chest never quite goes away.

#knittingpodcast #knittingprojects #knittingdesign #northernaugustinsno1 #woolyknit #knittingstitchpattern #unspunwool #woolroving #nutiden #manchelopis #polwarth #sarinordlund #knittingdesigner #myfavouritethingsknitwear #augustins #anne-sophievelling #worldofwool #woolfibre #spinningfibre #dropspinning #finnishwool #northernaugustins #customfibreblend #winghamwoolworks #worldofwool #spinningwool

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