Biden's DHS Terminated America’s “Safe Third Country” Policy

1 year ago

The Biden Administration & Department Of Homeland Security Terminated America’s “Safe Third Country” Policy. That Means This Whole Illegal Immigration Invasion Was Planned From The Very Beginning 🚨

71% Of Illegals Would Be DENIED Entry If They Didn’t Terminate This Policy

“The first thing that President Biden did, and you did when you took office, was abolish our safe third country policy. Now in 2023 — if we had a safe third country policy, that means 71% of the 8.4 million people that if you have allowed to come into our country illegally, let me be conservative and use 6.6 million. 'cause the 8.4 includes guideways, 71% of the 6.6 million people that you have allowed into our country illegally would not be here in any way.

They could claim asylum from political or religious or racial persecution, but they would have to do it in another country, more than likely Mexico.”

“Either you're not qualified to manage a Costco food court or you believe in open borders.” ~ Senator John Kennedy

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