Crimson Mantle reviews: Key Cuff reusable flex cuffs

1 year ago

Most zip ties and flex cuffs can only be used once and removed once. But The Crimson Mantle talks about the Key Cuff, a large heavy-duty zip tie with a unique handcuff key hole which allows it to be opened and reused. The Key Cuff is available in a single reusable zip tie version and a double cuff version which features a small plastic connector that holds two regular Key Cuffs together. The cuff’s keyholes are compatible with most name brand and generic handcuff keys. The single Key Cuff is available for $1.99 plus shipping and handling on handcuff double Key Cuff is also available on handcuff for $4.30 plus shipping and handling. Shipping on all orders of $50 or more is also free on handcuff Starring Nicholas Walser as The Crimson Mantle and Amethyst (who’s voice is heavily influenced by English dub Anime voice actress Jessica Calvello).

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