From the top to the bottom, it's plankin' time! 🚀💓

6 months ago

From the top to the bottom, it's plankin' time! 🚀💓


High plank and low plank, also known as the plank and forearm plank, are two variations of the plank exercise that offer a range of benefits for core strength and stability. Here are 10 benefits of incorporating high plank and low plank into your fitness routine:

Core Strengthening: Both high plank and low plank engage the entire core, including the rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdominis, promoting a strong and stable midsection.

Improved Core Endurance: Holding either plank position for an extended period helps improve core endurance, crucial for maintaining stability during various activities.

Upper Body Activation: High plank engages the shoulders, arms, and chest, contributing to upper body strength and stability. Low plank places more emphasis on the triceps and shoulders.

Full-Body Engagement: Both variations provide a full-body workout, activating muscles in the arms, shoulders, core, and legs simultaneously.

Balance and Coordination: Maintaining a straight line from head to heels challenges balance and coordination, leading to better overall stability.

Calorie Burn: High plank and low plank can contribute to calorie expenditure, making them beneficial for weight management when included in a workout routine.

Improved Posture: Strengthening the core through plank variations promotes better posture by supporting the muscles that align the spine and pelvis.

Functional Movement: The exercise enhances core strength for more efficient functional movements in daily life.

Increased Shoulder Stability: Both plank variations engage and strengthen the muscles around the shoulder blades, contributing to improved shoulder stability.

Injury Prevention: A strong core and improved stability from high plank and low plank can reduce the risk of injuries, particularly in the lower back and shoulders, during physical activities.

Incorporating high plank and low plank variations into your fitness routine can provide these benefits, making them valuable additions to your core-strengthening and full-body training. Always maintain proper form during the exercise and gradually increase the duration as your strength and endurance improve.

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