People who confuse propaganda with education cannot possibly come up with logical solutions

7 months ago

THIS is how they are programming YOUR brain

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It is a known fact for millennia that people who confuse propaganda with education cannot possibly come up with logical solutions to their problems. We see it all around us, but nothing is being done. At least nothing which would make any sense. Bellow is the video describing with extreme accuracy how North Americans got here. How the education system is actually working and why. Then in 1930s, enter the Soviets into this already crappy picture. They took over your already evil school system and made sure that it not only creates obedient “worker”, but that worker will be socialist, if not downright communist. You had no chance. Only a few strong characters could figure it out and resist with more or less success. Well, nobody would listen to those guys. That is why North American educated people know so much, which is wrong. At this time they are not capable to defend themselves and their families against this evil. What is saving the day is the fact that the “elites” made a capital mistake – they sent their kids to the same IVY league Universities. Hence their kids became socially dysfunctional to the point of being stupid. Yes, those are present day “Globos”, your fine dear leaders. As they say: Blind is leading blind . . . or these days; Stupid is leading stupid.

THIS is how they are programming YOUR brain

And even here in this video, the end is typically “Amurican”. After all this good information that guy is trying to “sell” you something. Just could not resist. The Soviets, of course, fully understood what the average Westerner cannot comprehend. If one wants to destroy the Western Civilization, one has to destroy the the family. Sadly they succeeded 100%, the game is over.

What is coming next, we would not be able in the fanciest imagination call “the WC”. Funny, “WC” is also used in EU countries as short for toilet. Pity. And so I would recommend, even to the uneducated, watch The Remnant video. Anybody with two brain cell rubbing in that cavity at the end of an “upper” spinal extremities (please, do not confuse those ends) should be able to come to right conclusions.


There is no other path.

It is our destiny, and if we don’t take action we will be diluted out from ever again being able to take this course of action that will make us the free

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