Luke 1:37 - HIGHLY FAVORED and Positioned For a Miracle

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In Luke 1:37 Gabriel tells Mary, "For nothing is impossible with God". When you look at the Greek words behind this verse, it paints an entirely different picture of the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ and of how Mary conceived Jesus as a virigin.

The word "nothing" is the translation of two Greek words and it should've been translated "no thing". However, the Greek is more detailed than even this. The Greek words are "pan rhema". "Pan" is tranlated as "all' or "every". The word "rhema" is one of two words translated as "word". The other word translated into English as "word" is "logos".

"Logos" is usually translated "written Word" abd "rhema" is usually translated "spoken word" or "utterance". Have you ever read your Bible when all of a sudden a passage or verse nearly jumps of the page. It's like God spoke or highlighted that verse to you for a specific thing you were going through. That's what a rhema word is. It's when out of the logos God speaks a rhema to you.

Luke 1:37 says in the Greek "Because not without power is every rhema from beside God". Every rhema word from God is never without power or ability to bring to pass what that rhema word says. The power is in that rhema word itself!

The opposite would also be true, there is no rhema word that is without the power and ability to come to pass. When God speaks a rhema word to you, it is impossible for it not to come to pass. UNLESS you cancel it with words of doubt and unbelief.

But how did Mary answer the angel? How did she respond that rhema word? She said, "Let it be to me according to your Word!" That's how to respond to a rhema word from God. Simply say, "So be it".

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