Arrow Class Genesis 38:23

8 months ago

Arrow Class Genesis 38:23

We learned that Tamar and Judah traded, but the thing that Judah wanted to trade with never got to Tamar. Tamar was suppose to get a young goat, but she only got Judah’s staff, seal and cord. Instead of trying to find Tamar, Judah decided to let Tamar keep what she had and he would keep the goat. Today let’s read Genesis 38:23 grab two small items. Point to the first item and explain that Judah wanted to give Tamar one thing, but he didn’t have it with him when he wanted to trade so he gave her the second thing. Then point to the second thing and explain that Tamar never got the first thing, but she only kept the second.

Then Judah said, “Let her keep what she had, or we will become a laughingstock. After all, I did send her this young goat, but you didn’t find her.”
Genesis 38:23

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