High School Girls Upset After Boys Share A.I. Generated Nude Photos of Them

8 months ago

High School Girls Upset After Boys Share A.I. Generated Nude Photos of Them
Convenient for the NEWS to come out with this story after many A.I. Nude Filter Apps have been created, downloaded and already used all over the world. Who will police the world except the A.I.? But they still have not released the Jeffrey Epstein flight list! They attack everyone except the people who made the A.I. and the people who made the nude apps for anyone to download. They make the innocent people look guilty and the guilty people look innocent. A.I. child porn released as the Satanic child trafficking elite are exposed. They will just blame A.I. and "fake news". I have been researching this and will be writing everything I've been learning and studying about how the children are attacked and targeted and by whom.
The truth is that Google owns the most naked photos of the children in the world. Who has all your children's nude photos and who has the right to? Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and WhatsApp, along with the intelligence agencies, cell phone and internet companies like T-Mobile and Apple have been collecting and possessing all of your children's nude photos and have the biggest, naked child photo databases in the world. Technology companies, their employee's and CEOs have millions of photos of naked children from all over the world and what do they do with it?
They are only talking about "child porn" in this video but how many times has Netflix and Disney already crossed that line and gotten away with it? Children are targeted and trafficked by professional traffickers with the aid of the internet! The mainstream news talks about child porn hurting the feelings of parents and children but at the same time want you to take a Covid-19 Vaccine that kills them, gives them brain damage and sterilizes them. At the same time the mainstream media and authorities focus on a child porn problem, they also push transhumanism on your children and want them to be LGBT and educate them on LGBT sex.
The intent of internet connectivity is not to protect children but to target, attack and traffic them. Sex slavery and rape is bad but notice how they don't talk about child ritualistic murder and adrenochrome trade.
The only reason the A.I. can generate nudes is because the A.I. was programmed with all the online data and free nude photos provided users of social media apps, cellphone companies and internet providers. Why are they focusing on High School boys when thousands of children are being trafficked from the Ukraine war, Maui fire and now Israel war in 2023? The satanists have muddied the water so much the anyone who uses the internet is compromised and can be blackmailed. In order to save themselves they made everyone guilty.
Where is it going? Right now your cell phone and lap top cameras in your children's room are filming and recording them 24/7 even when they are naked and think the phone is off. The camera's are always on! The mainstream claims to be in favor of protecting your children while using and pushing invasive surveillance and biometric tracking and body scanning technology which shows every detail of the naked human body. In the near future, technology companies want to introduce smart glass technologies for eye glasses, car windshields, building windows, smart pads, TVs and laptops.
One of these technologies will be a smart mirror that is a large smart glass that hangs on the wall and acts like a giant cellphone enabling video calling and entertainment. They will encourage everyone to get naked in front of these full body mirrors to try on digital clothes through augmented reality. Once augmented reality shows you how you look in the new clothes, the A.I. will tailor it and ship it to you once you decide to but it. Clothes in the near future will be made when ordered and delivered all by robots. The smart mirrors will also give you weight readouts and health advice along with work out tutorials and as many reasons as you can think to stand in front of it. The convenience will trick many people and children into willingly standing nude in front of camera's on a daily bases.
Another future technology coming soon will be life-like A.I. sex bots. Humanity is being attacked and self destructing.
It is only growing worse by the day. The world's children are in danger along with their entire future. In 2023, child porn is not even hard to find and many people can easily stumble on it unintentionally. Child porn is just a few clicks away from everyone and anyone's finger tips and porn in general is more easily accessible now in 2023 than it ever has been in human history and porn is the most watched thing on the internet. Humans are being controlled and manipulated by sex, fear and aggression. Wireless radiation and A.I. can stimulate sex as it was deigned to do. The A.I. job was always to control human population. Give these monsters no more loosh! Babylon has turned everyone into her whore. Don't upload your babies to the matrix. Wake up now. God Bless.
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