What is really going on in the Middle East?

1 year ago

Personaly I served in the IDF 25 years ago in the intelligence forces. There is no way, in my view, that Israel did not know of what's coming. A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. What happened to the strongest army in the world?
How come border crossings were wide open? Something is very wrong here. Something is very strange. This chain of events is very unusual and not typical for the Israel defense system.
The current government is highly corrupt in my wiew, while the previous one was no better. I don't care about having a popular opinion. I care about exposing evil forces wherever and whomever they are.
So to me, this surprise attack seems like a planned operation on all fronts. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I would say that this feels like the work of the deep state. It feels like the people of Israel and the people of Palestine have been sold once again to the higher powers that be.

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