Success Story Podcast #318 - Jager McConnell | Innovation and Adaptability at Crunchbase

1 year ago

Success Story Podcast #318 - Jager McConnell - CEO of Crunchbase | Innovation and Adaptability at Crunchbase

Managing investor expectations is a critical component of any successful venture.

It's not just about meeting the numbers, but also about building trust and confidence with your investors.

The key is to be transparent and honest about the risks and challenges that lie ahead.

Make a promise and keep it. But make sure you promise the right thing.

Don't overpromise and underdeliver, or worse, make unrealistic promises that are impossible to keep.

Investors are looking for companies with a clear vision, a solid plan, and a commitment to delivering results.

By managing investor expectations effectively, you can create a win-win situation for everyone involved.

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