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Ken's Corner Ep. 33


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  • Thank you brothers for all your hard work bringing us this platform it makes my day knowing that I’m listening to true believers who love the lord and truly love Gods work he has given you God bless you’s ….✝️✝️✝️🇨🇦

  • And to think, people don't realize we're living through the 2nd seal🤔. Very interesting 🧐. The 3rd seals been opened, we will be seeing, and feeling this with gusto in 2024, be prepared 🙏🎩🙏

  • Luke 21:26 “hearts failing them for fear of what’s coming upon the earth” “Climate change”- sure.

  • Thanks guys, always enjoy listening to ken's corner. First thing i listen to on a monday UK time.

  • Always great to hear from you both. Excellent videos and chat. Never stop👍

  • Kens kung foo propaganda smack down hour

    1 like
  • "fu" i mean lol

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  • Thank you for the weekly updates that you two give me. I found you through Moriel TV. I watch from the Northeastern Panhandle of Nebraska. You two are extremely encouraging and very well informed of the events that are happening in our world today.

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  • The pro hamas protesters are living in augmented reality, and sadly, they are effectively distorting this one, and as the game plays out, they will understand when they come to the knowledge OF ISALM and what is really taking place it will be too late and no respawn for them and they hate truth and love the lies. From the river of life our beloved Jesus Christ who's kingdom come and the WILL of our God is being Done here on earth as it is in Heaven!!!

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  • I’m so sad that Ohio (where I was born & raised) passed both Issue 1 (reproductive rights) & Issue 2 (legalized marijuana). Thank both of you guys for the information you provide. I also enjoyed having Ken on CUWJ. Bless you both. Maranatha Jesus.

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  • I know this isn’t related, but I don’t know who to ask. There’s a gal, clearly NOT AMERICAN, in my town that sits at the corner going into Walmart selling flowers and holding a baby, begging for money. It REALLY IS BOTHERING ME! I’ve called the police several times and called city hall to complain. She keeps showing up. Idk why it irritates me so much! I’ve tried to search my Bible for answers but can’t find anything in reference. Can you please help me with this? And please pray for me.

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  • I have learned, live on what you have... don't fall for the snare ... God will show you what you need versus what you want... time to come out of consumerism and be realistic.

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  • Thankyou both for kens corner love listening to you both God bless you all.

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  • Thankyou from eastern Montana ,appreciate you all !

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  • college is one of the few places where you pay too make your children idiots of the left.

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