November 13, 2023

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Returning to Original Kingdom Foundations

The kingdom of God refers to the rule and reign of Jesus Christ, who learned and lived according to the Father's character and ways. There is only one true message of this kingdom - conforming to God's nature and following the Holy Spirit's leading. Deception abounds today, as even good things can steer people from God's purpose. We must focus on the eternal, not temporary promises. Intimacy with Christ is essential, as we must see and reflect him, working on ourselves rather than pursuing anointing or titles. Elders and leaders carry serious responsibility to know truth, set standards, and watch over God's people. We must discern who is truly following Christ. Do not blindly accept traditions or doctrines - check teachings against Scripture. We must return to the original kingdom foundations and patterns shown in God's Word.

Join us brethren for an awesome time in His presence : Ministers Rest | Nov 13, 2023

MR | Nov 13, 2023 | Ministers Rest

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