Filled with the Holy Spirit ~ Part 4 ~ His Power has a Purpose!

7 months ago

Filled with the Holy Spirit ~ Part 4
His Power has a Purpose!

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: Acts 1:8
Power in the Greek is dunamis = force, miraculous power, ability, abundance.
Dunamis is where we get the word dynamite from.

What is the primary purpose of the power of God for us?
I think it is to display God's compassion, love, and the nature to people.

Book: Intimacy with God, by Randy Clark – How can we not have expectation for mighty things to happen through us when He is in us, and His Spirit is on us? We must believe that He is in us. We must believe that the living Christ lives in us. He is near, as close as our breath.
I read testimonies of God working through people, and I cried out in prayer, “God, if this is possible today, if You still communicate with people like this, if it is possible to live this kind of Christian life – that is what I want.”

We are called by Scripture, by the Living God, to take our belief, our doctrine and exercise something inside us. To obey what I know is God’s heart.
Does faith or obedience activate the power of God? Yes!
When I don't pray for someone's healing, what is active in me, fear, or faith?

When I step out of the boat into the realm of the unknown – when I take a chance, and ask someone if I can pray for them, or give a word, I am exercising the theology I say I believe – I am living up to the expectations I think God has for me.
I expect the Holy Spirit living in me to fulfill God’s heart for the situation.
With or without the miracle I want to see.

Lately, I am hungry to see God move. And as I typed this, my knee-jerk reaction was: Prove it!
I don’t want this to just be words - statements designed to fire us up at ½ time just before we leave the locker room.
“God, move on us to be hungry for Your move!”

I am asking God to set me free from fear. From the wrong thinking that my actions, my faith is the source of God moving in signs and wonders.
Whether I see the miracle or not – It’s not about me.

When I don't step out and pray for people, is it because I want to save face? Definition of Loose Face = suffer a loss of respect; be humiliated.
Am I protecting my flesh from embarrassment? At what cost?
Who am I protecting by my reluctance? Who am I impressing?

If I pray for someone and don't see anything happen, do I lose faith face with those people? It can feel like it.
BUT ANYTIME I work out of obedience, I gain face with the father.

I am my own worst enemy. It is highly probable when the Holy Spirit speaks to me to pray for someone, or tell someone about Jesus, the enemy doesn't even need to bather trying to stop me, because I do that on my own.
We discount ourselves all the time.
I have a God thought about something I could do, but then re- think it, talking myself out of it for "logical" reasons.

Song “I'm no longer a slave to fear.”

We are in this partnership with God for this. Why me? Why us?
We have Jesus within us.
In the OT, the Holy Spirit would rest on different leaders for a season, then lift.
But today, Christ Lives Within us! The Holy Spirit is ALWAYSE on board.
We have a partner that is REALLY in tune with Heaven.

We are our own worst enemy. TOTALLY SHOCKED when the Holy Spirit speaks to us, and when we obey, miracles happen.
We believe in our head – in our theology, but in our hearts???

We are qualified to “Walk in the Spirit” to be a part of signs and wonders.
But pastor, you don’t understand what I have done….

Think about the majority of the people God used to write the Bible.
Liars, murders, adulteries, doubters - Moses, Gideon, David, Paul, etc.
They fought with God often for Him to use someone else.
A lot of these guys had issues – it’s true they were murders, adulterers, etc. but they had hearts after God.

But we have the opportunity to be “Filled With the Holy Spirit for today.”
We are qualified by God Himself.

It feels to me like we are coming into a season where we have never been before.
And God WANTS to use His favorite people to demonstrate His character to the world.
With or Without me, and most of that is my choice.

Rom. 12:1-2 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

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