Creep Sam Seder is worried about guns, his voters are the problem Part I

1 year ago

The Creepy divorcee Sam Seder is worried about guns, but his voters are the problem. #samseder #majorityreport

***ALL screenshots related to this can be found at Enjoy!***

The bi-polar divorcee & creepy old man Sam Seder is worried about guns & mainly worried about them from law-abiding citizens because genocide against your enemies cannot commence if your opponents are armed. Lenin knew that, Hitler knew that, the corrupt genocidal government of Cameroon understands that – all dictatorial regimes realize that if their opponents are armed, they cannot engage in wanton & gratuitous genocide.

The creepy divorcee Sam Seder won’t do anything aside from sitting on his fat ass (he spent more time worrying about Rush Limbaugh than he did his own father, kids & now ex-wife), he’s looking for others to do this & he needs to disarm (mainly) white, rural Americans to create a society that mimics the one in China. This is why he defends murderous regimes in China, he wants that type of society here.

I am not sure what he thinks he’s going to gain from it, he will likely still live in a small apartment, separate from his children & will never own any real property. He will continue to be a social media vegetable.

Perhaps he’s exhibiting Stockholm Syndrome symptoms, where he casts his lot w/ genocidal maniacs, hoping to obtain a few shekels.

He is mentally-ill, by his own admission, nothing really surprises me. He also had a fantasy involving his own kid & Roman Polanski & also became so obsessed w/ Donald Trump he barely noticed his wife – until she served him w/ divorce papers.

Let’s get to meat of this essay, we are going to look at violent crime (aside from murder) & the weapons used in the commission of these crimes. Democrats often trot-out statistics related to “mass shootings” that include injuries, not dead people – to inflate these stats.

I’ve often said, if State A had a high % of mass shootings, but their murder rate was 50% the national average & State B had a murder rate above the national average, but no mass shootings – which state is worse?

That said, let’s look at lots of damaged psyches in the wake of a violent crime (primarily aggravated assault, & robbery) & then look at the weapons used (personal weapons, knife, firearm, blunt object, etc.) in the commission of those crimes.

Remember, Democrats are concerned about guns, so let’s see how many people victimized & a gun was not the weapon of choice. If the Dems retort, “That is bad, but at least they’re still alive,” I will retort, “So are the folks who are merely injured in mass shootings.”
How about Robbery & Aggravated Assault for a long time frame (FBI “Data Discovery Tool”)?

(National Data) Robbery & Aggravated Assault 2007 = 1,313,682 * 2008 = 1,287,246 * 2009 = 1,221,256 * 2010 = 1,150,933 * 2011 = 1,107,195 * 2012 = 1,117,060 * 2013 = 1,071,870 * 2014 = 1,053,994 * 2015 = 1,092,166 * 2016 = 1,135,779 * 2017 = 1,130,915 * 2018 = 1,092,260 * 2019 = 1,090,500 * 2020 = 1,165,105 * 2021=1,121,447 * 2022 = 1,114,430

***(As I was polishing this off, the FBI published 2022 data, I am including that just for kicks, even though most of the data below cuts off at 2021. Later I decided to include the 2022 data for each city, so you can compare it to 2020-21 & previous years)*** 2016-19 combined Aggravated Assault & Robbery rate = 341.515 per 100,000. * 2020-21 Aggravated Assault & Robbery rate = 344.629 per 100,000. 2022 Aggravated Assault & Robbery rate = 334.374 per 100,000

*** I should also mention, because of the adolescent logic of some like Creepy Sam Seder, #samseder #majorityreport just because a crime is declining (I have written about this in my essays many times, murder is very concentrated for example) nationally, does not mean that is the case everywhere. It could be declining markedly in areas not prone to violence (like say, rural Iowa, Idaho, Kansas) & spiking in Democrat-dominated cesspools like Chicago (which has bad data on this metric) or St. Louis. Aggravated Assault 2020-22 is up substantially, relative to 2016-19, Robbery is not. The creepy divorcee Sam Seder should also realize (and you will see this in the cities I am covering) that in a lot of minority-dominated, Democrat cities, violent crime did spike in 2020 & continued into 2022. In many of those jurisdictions, the 2022 rate was above the pre-COVID plandemic rate ***

(Aggravated Assault remained historically high in 2021, robbery is on a different trajectory If you want to compare other data sources)

That should give you a good idea of trends & now we’ll shift to NIBRS data & see the preferred weapons of these criminals when committing these heinous acts. From 2007-21, there were 4,370,720 KNOWN weapons involved in “Aggravated Assault” & “Robbery.” Of those weapons, only 32.13% (1,404,638) of the weapons were a “firearm/handgun/shotgun/rifle” etc.

The perp did not need a firearm the vast majority of the time & defenseless people getting the tar beaten out of them by miscreants in this country has become much more common over the past few years.

For Robbery & Aggravated Assault 2012-2021 there were 3,171,135 KNOWN weapons & 33.82% (1,072,722) were a “Firearm/gun.”

For Robbery & Aggravated Assault 2016-19 there were 1,197,292 KNOWN weapons & 32% (383,216) of them were a “firearm/gun.”

For Robbery & Aggravated Assault 2020-21 there were 1,024,692 KNOWN weapons to commit those crimes & 38.19% (391,347) of the weapons were a “firearm/gun.”

As you can see, those crimes much more often than not, the assailant does not need to use a firearm to beat someone senseless & take their wallet or purse. In the 2020-21 period, which saw a major spike in aggravated assault – the % of those crimes where a firearm was used in the commission of it spiked, but still well short of even half.

I covered several periods from 2007-21 & the Black Lives Matter Crime-A-Thon in the midst of the Saint George Floyd protests, which was a dark period for this county.

How about the demographics of Robbery & Aggravated Assault? I already covered demographic data on murder victims & assailants from 2016-19 vs. 2020-21. The latter time frame saw a much higher murder rate & the % of victims & assailants that were black also spiked. Let’s do the same for Aggravated Assault & Robbery.

2012-21: Of the 3,558,253 Offenders (Robbery & Aggravated Assault) where the RACE of the offender was known, 51.47% (1,831,496) of those offenders were Black. #blacklivesmatter

2016-19: Of the 1,357,434 offenders (Robbery & Aggravated Assault) where the RACE of the offender was known, 50.67% (687,910) of those offenders were Black. #whitesupremacy

2020-21: Of the 1,073,654 offenders where the RACE of the offender is KNOWN, 51.22% (549,929) of those offenders were Black. That metric when compared to 2012-21 was static.

Now for some selected Dumocrat enclaves that are melting down. First, I will post their raw stats, courtesy of the FBI Data Discovery Tool (wish I had utilized that when covering murder stats, nobody is perfect) & then I will use NIBRS to give us the preferred weapon(s) when these crimes are commissioned by Democrat voters.

For population data see OR

Portland, OR: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016 = 2813 * 2017 = 2893 * 2018=2986 * 2019 = 3222 * 2020 = 3444 * 2021 = 4492 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 613.443 per 100,000) 2022 = 4285 (674.731 per 100,000)

Minneapolis, Minnesota: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016 = 4132 * 2017=4058 * 2018=2932 * 2019= 3487 * 2020=4601 * 2021=5182 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,150.356 per 100,000) 2022= 4761 (1,119.982 per 100,000)

St. Paul, MN: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1767 * 2017=1757 * 2018=1649 * 2019 =1488 * 2020=2059 * 2021=2093 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 671.697 per 100,000) 2022 = 1851 (610.536)

Milwaukee, WI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016 =8586 * 2017=8952 * 2018=7871 * 2019=7416 * 2020=8882 * 2021=8842 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,545.848 per 100,000) Stay classy Milwaukee! 2022 = 7835 (1,390.898)

District of Columbia: 2016=7046 * 2017=6025 * 2018=6008 * 2019=6388 * 2020=6323 * 2021=2245 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 629.933) 2022 = 4531 (674.453)

St. Louis City, MO: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=5540 * 2017=5967 * 2018=5029 * 2019=5333 * 2020=5520 * 2021=4442 (2020-21 cumulative robbery & aggravated assault avg. = 1,674.612 per 100,000) 2022 = 3861 (1,347.277)

Kansas City, MO: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=7370 * 2017=7870 * 2018=7335 * 2019=6726 * 2020=7394 * 2021=6824 (2020-21 cumulative robbery & aggravated assault avg. = 1,399.005) 2022 = 6993 (1,373.069)

Ferguson, MO: 2016=154 * 2017=134 * 2018=123 * 2019=89 * 2020=128 * 2021=160 (2020-21 cumulative robbery & aggravated assault avg. = 781.186) Ferguson is a dump that has been home to a high rate of violent crime, like forever. 2022 = 136 (749.6)

Hazelwood, MO: 2016=136 * 2017=78 * 2018=90 * 2019=106 * 2020=141 * 2021=154 (2020-21 cumulative robbery & aggravated assault avg. = 581.739) 2022 = 158 (630.814)

Springfield, MO: 2016=1950 * 2017=1892 * 2018=1869 * 2019=2204 * 2020=2439 * 2021=2440 (2020-21 avg. = 1,439.691) 2022 = 2,201 (1,294.195)

Independence, MO: 2016=543 * 2017=602 * 2018=441 * 2019=565 * 2020=640 * 2021=576 (2020-21 avg. = 496.14) 2022 = (425.735)

St. Joseph, MO: 2016=372 * 2017=394 * 2018=367 * 2019=305 * 2020=290 * 2021=324 (2020-21 avg. = 426.143) 2022 = 382 (540.647)

Charleston, MO: 2016=38 * 2017=36 * 2018=35 * 2019=40 * 2020=40 * 2021=54 (2020-21 avg. = 942.45) 2022= 28 (561.459)

Berkeley, MO: 2016=59 * 2017=91 * 2018=98 * 2019=86 * 2020=107 * 2021=165 * (2020=21 avg. = 1,662.286) 2022 = 219 (2,715.773)

Joplin, MO: 2016=275 * 2017=270 * 2018=230 * 2019=243 * 2020=282 * 2021=218 (2020-21 avg. = 482.574) 2022 = 200 (380.821)

Sedalia, MO: 2016=113 * 2017=141 * 2018=171 * 2019=171 * 2020=153 * 2021=97 (2020-21 avg. = 574.158) 2022 = (364.514)

Overland, MO: 2016=69 * 2017=36 * 2018=33 * 2019=43 * 2020=75 * 2021=67 (2020-21 avg. = 447.667) 2022 = (409.836)

Bridgeton, MO: 2016=98 * 2017=76 * 2018=61 * 2019=48 * 2020=65 * 2021=55 (2020-21 avg. = 525.624) 2022 = (599.753)

Bellefontaine Neighbors, MO: 2016=101 * 2017=82 * 2018=94 * 2019=115 * 2020=198 *
2021=161 (2020-21 avg. = 1,681.498) 2022 = 127 (1,215.659)

Rolla, MO: 2016=70 * 2017=94 *2018=91 * 2019=93 * 2020=100 * 2021=77 (2020-21 avg. = 441.804) 2022 = 99 (487.156)

Hannibal, MO: 2016=58 * 2017=58 * 2018=78 * 2019=70 * 2020=71 * 2021=63 (2020-21 avg. = 392.03) 2022 = (425.079)

Caruthersville, MO: 2016=79 * 2017=78 * 2018=65 * 2019=60 * 2020=54 * 2021=71 (2020-21 avg. = 1,140.51) 2022 = (623.229)

Poplar Bluff, MO: 2016=116 * 2017=85 * 2018=68 * 2019=91 * 2020=71 * 2021=158 (2020-21 avg. = 707.379) 2022 = 7 [?? Likely not accurate]

Detroit, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=12827 * 2017=12764 * 2018=12226 * 2019=11796 * 2020=13478 * 2021=13364 (2020-21 cumulative robbery & aggravated assault avg. = 2,142.492) 2022 = 11,690 (1,884.341)

Are you kids seeing a massive spike in these cities 2020-21, relative to the previous 4 years due to the Saint George Floyd riots? “George Floyd had a fatal altercation w/ the police, we better rob the general public & assault them.” Yeah, makes sense.

George Floyd was a career criminal & drug addict who failed to cooperate w/ police because he was on drugs. Why wasn’t Memphis burned to the ground after Trye Nichols (I believe Nichols was murdered, I think Chauvin should’ve been charged w/ negligent manslaughter IMO) was murdered? That’s right, the cops that attacked him were all black.

Flint, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1405 * 2017=1735 * 2018=1577 * 2019=1225 * 2020=1037 * 2021=922 (2020-21 cumulative robbery & aggravated assault avg. = 1,210.036) Oddly, Flint bucked the trend, but nobody moves to Flint anymore, it’s dying a slow death. 2022 = 888 (1,112.029)

Pontiac, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=667 * 2017=578 * 2018=720 * 2019=693 * 2020=775 * 2021=647 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,160.011) 2022 = 573 (926.375)

Grand Rapids, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1175 * 2017 =1255 * 2018=1167 * 2019=1135 * 2020=1759 * 2021=1787 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 894.756) 2022 = 1,720 (873.504)

Saginaw, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=651 * 2017=699 * 2018=724 * 2019=664 * 2020=945 * 2021=1032 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 2,244.907) 2022 = 859 (1,975.757)

Inkster, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=285 * 2017=308 * 2018=212 * 2019=213 * 2020=277 * 2021=324 * (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,160.164 per 100,000) 2022 = 237 (928.428)

Romulus, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=136 * 2017=200 * 2018=162 * 2019=195 * 2020=224 * 2021=185 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 813.655) 2022 = 223 (889.083)

Highland Park, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=173 * 2017=170 * 2018=171 * 2019=210 * 2020=188 * 2021=198 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 2,158.595) #whitesupremacy is the reason this Black Majority community has been in decline for 60 years. By 2040, Highland Park will no longer exist. 2022 = 164 (1,894.42)

Harper Woods, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=115 * 2017=88 * 2018=117 * 2019=105 * 2020=136 * 2021=129 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 861.312) 2022 = 84 (553.833)

Melvindale, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016= 53 * 2017=60 *
2018=59 * 2019=42 * 2020=93 * 2021=106 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 780.943) 2022 = 54 (427.485)

Ecorse, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=135 * 2017=129 * 2018=90 * 2019=112 * 2020=155 * 2021=115 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,456.624) 2022 = 95 (1,036.552)

Wyoming, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=279 * 2017=280 * 2018=268 * 2019=309 * 2020=364 * 2021=346 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 463.268) 2022 = 303 (394.911)

Taylor, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=333 * 2017=305 * 2018=310 * 2019=343 * 2020=345 * 2021=287 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 502.284) 2022 =342 (549.326)

Lansing, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1198 * 2017=1212 * 2018=1156 * 2019=1162 * 2020=1571 * 2021=1593 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,404.094) 2022 = 1,326 (1,178.279)

Kalamazoo, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016= 793 * 2017=767 * 2018=884 * 2019=833 * 2020=1004 * 2021=1093 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,425.487) 2022 = 988 (1,355.783)

Warren, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=568 * 2017=550 * 2018=576 * 2019=546 * 2020=566 * 2021=607 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 422.66) 2022 = 586 (427.403)

Ypsilanti, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=130 * 2017=154 * 2018=150 * 2019=188 * 2020=240 * 2021=264 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,236.294) 2022 = 180 (912.223)

Battle Creek, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=508 * 2017=504 * 2018=510
2019=503 * 2020=516 * 2021=562 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,026.236) 2022 = 613 (1,176.064)

Memphis, TN: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=11232 * 2017=12321 * 2018=12062 * 2019=117190 * 2020=14664 * 2021=15092 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 2,362.213 per 100,000) 2022 = 14,463 (2,328.775)

Nashville, TN: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=6837 * 2017=7094 * 2018=7096 * 2019=6888 * 2020=7549 * 2021=7710 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,115.175) 2022 = 7,023 (1,027.322)

Chattanooga, TN: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1688 *
2017=1753 * 2018=1722 * 2019=1752 * 2020=2263 * 2021=2236 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,238.813) 2022 = 1,887 (1,025.064)

Knoxville, TN: 2016=1497 * 2017=1491 * 2018=1368 * 2019=1085 * 2020=1365 * 2021=1410 (2020-21 avg. = 723.832) 2022 = 1,457 (743.788)

Clarksville, TN: 2016=849 * 2017=803 * 2018=864 * 2019=755 * 2020=891 * 2021=828 (2020-21 avg. = 509.037) 2022 = (433.396)

Murfreesboro, TN: 2016=729 * 2017=645 * 2018=533 * 2019=525 * 2020=635* 2021=490 (2020-21 avg. = 362.559) 2022 = 704 (433.502)

Jackson, TN: 2016=588 * 2017=620 * 2018=633 * 2019=603 * 2020=672 * 2021=597 (2020-21 avg. = 930.774) 2022 = 575 (840.889)

Millington, TN: 2016=70 * 2017=115 * 2018=93 * 2019=97 * 2020=79 * 2021=116 (2020-21 avg. = 924.871) 2022 = 76 (727.829)

Kingsport, TN: 2016=353 * 2017=362 * 2018=385 * 2019=315 * 2020=326 * 2021=389 (2020-21 avg. = 644.01) 2022 =395 (703.472)

Cleveland, TN: 2016=367 * 2017=363 * 2018=392 * 2019=422 * 2020=429 * 2021=345 (2020-21 avg. = 808.304) 2022 = 334 (687.851)

Columbia, TN: 2016=223 * 2017=253 * 2018=213 * 2019=244 * 2020=279 * 2021=270 (2020-21 avg. = 645.517) 2022 = 287 (626.747)

Lebanon, TN: 2016=183 * 2017=201 * 2018=157 * 2019=122 * 2020=198 * 2021=153 (2020-21 avg. = 442.338) 2022 = 172 (389.439)

Brownsville, TN: 2016=158 * 2017=109 * 2018=95 * 2019=136 * 2020=126 * 2021=99 (2020-21 avg. = 1,157.05) 2022 = 114 (1,194.718)

Union City, TN: 2016=85 * 2017=81 * 2018=62 * 2019=74 * 2020=71 * 2021=85 * (2020-21 avg. = 700.336) 2022 = 86 (782.885)

Dyersburg, TN: 2016=222 * 2017=170 * 2018=197 * 2019=170 * 2020=198 * 2021=197 (2020-21 avg. = 1,227.089) 2022 = 165 (1,034.028)

Springfield, TN: 2016=121 * 2017=145 * 2018=129 * 2019=107 * 2020=113 * 2021=81 (2020-21 avg. = 512.617) 2022 = 92 (478.643)

East Ridge, TN: 2016=182 * 2017=136 * 2018=89 * 2019=82 * 2020=112 * 2021=131 (2020-21 avg. = 550.733) 2022 = 120 (547.045)

Lewisburg, TN: 2016=108 * 2017=76 * 2018=74 * 2019=45 * 2020=61 * 2021=93 (2020-21 avg. = 621.494) 2022 = 58 (453.621)

Martin, TN: 2016=33 * 2017=31 * 2018=28 * 2019=17 * 2020=34 * 2021=38 * (2020-21 avg. = 337.394) 2022 = 47 (431.43)

Austin, TX: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=3117 * 2017=3173 * 2018=2901 * 2019=3443 * 2020=4184 * 2021=4372 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 444.219) 2022 = 4,618 (473.909)

Dallas, TX: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=9133 * 2017=9371 * 2018=9445 * 2019=10882 * 2020=11355 * 2021=10320 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 835.977) 2022 = 9,360 (720.252)

Houston, TX: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=22449 * 2017=23974 * 2018=22601 * 2019=23789 * 2020=27985 * 2021=26756 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,189.208) 2022 = 24,414 (1,060.151)

San Antonio, TX: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=9415 *2017=9365 * 2018=8194 * 2019=9311 * 2020=10330 * 2021=9661 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 692.636) 2022 = 11,150 (757.005)

Fort Worth, TX: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016= 3919 * 2017=4256 * 2018=3944 * 2019=3537 * 2020=4603 * 2021=4632 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 497.992) 2022 = 4,074 (425.834)

Corpus Christi, TX: 2016=2045 * 2017=2060 * 2018=2169 * 2019=2325 * 2020=2510 * 2021=2535 (2020-21 avg. = 793.693) 2022 = 2,231 (705.479)

Beaumont, TX: 2016=1216 * 2017=1157 * 2018=1156 * 2019=1125 * 2020=1332 * 2021=1122 (2020-21 avg. = 1,077.147) 2022 = 1,075 (959.059)

Port Arthur, TX: 2016=339 * 2017=357 * 2018=357 * 2019=305 * 2020=391 * 2021=369 (2020-21 avg. = 680.065) 2022 = 369 (663.919)

Jasper, TX: 2016=38 * 2017=37 * 2018=20 * 2019=27 * 2020=30 * 2021=28 (2020-21 avg. = 409.517) 2022 =35 (471.507)

Arlington, TX: 2016=1860 * 2017=1772 * 2018=1624 * 2019=1812 * 2020=1887 * 2021=1905 (2020-21 avg. = 481.803) 2022 = 1,920 (486.566)

Mesquite, TX: 2016=535 * 2017=536 * 2018=511 * 2019=632 * 2020=546 * 2021=661 (2020-21 avg. = 405.145) 2022 = 621 (419.881)

Lubbock, TX: 2016=2558 * 2017=2511 * 2018=2317 * 2019=2332 * 2020=2601 * 2021=2530 (2020-21 avg. = 990.253) 2022 = 2,483 (940.779)

Amarillo, TX: 2016=1247 * 2017=1322 * 2018=1412 * 2019=1278 * 2020=1522 * 2021=1349 (2020-21 avg. = 714.87) 2022 = 1,317 (654.276)

Pasadena, TX: 2016=583 * 2017=613 * 2018=563 * 2019=765 * 2020=778 * 2021=834 (2020-21 avg. = 536.398) 2022 = 788 (533.651)

Killeen, TX: 2016=851 * 2017=949 * 2018=453 * 2019=464 * 2020=915 * 2021=843 (2020-21 avg. = 568.189) 2022 =766 (481.24)

Waco, TX: 2016=565 * 2017=568 * 2018=622 * 2019=683 * 2020=811 * 2021=904 * (2020-21 avg. = 613.128) 2022 = 775 (538.254)

Midland, TX: 2016=385 * 2017=338 * 2018=338 * 2019=164 * 2020=458 * 2021=450 (2020-21 avg. = 344.136) 2022 = 556 (413.555)

Alamo, TX: 2016=158 * 2017=163 * 2018=112 * 2019=68 * 2020=89 * 2021=120 (2020-21 avg. = 528.832) 2022 = 95 (467.865)

Alton, TX: 2016=10 * 2017=16 * 2018=53 * 2019=144 * 2020=97 * 2021=81 (2020-21 avg. = 461.941) 2022 = 94 (477.812)

Donna, TX: 2016=144 * 2017=202 * 2018=193 * 2019=116 * 2020=157 * 2021=231 (2020-21 avg. = 1,154.418) 2022 = 180 (1,073.089)

Mercedes, TX: 2016=71 * 2017=84 * 2018=63 * 2019=60 * 2020=74 * 2021=57 (2020-21 avg. = 396.621) 2022 = 119 (711.85)

Palmview, TX: 2016=76 * 2017=48 * 2018=48 * 2019=56 * 2020=99 * 2021=71 (2020-21 avg. = 535.956) 2022 = (409.758)

Lancaster, TX: 2016=199 * 2017=217 * 2018=155 * 2019=139 * 2020=187 * 2021=202 * (2020-21 avg. = 474.349) 2022 = 238 (588.395)

Stafford, TX: 2016=81 * 2017=no data * 2018=73 * 2019=84 * 2020=47 * 2021=117 * (2020-21 avg. = 468.21) 2022=75 (430.366)

Waller, TX: 2016=8 * 2017=6 * 2018=1 * 2019=4 * 2020=15 * 2021=11 (2020-21 average = 469.06) 2022=5 (178.571) Some clowns might object to me covering cities that are small or like Waller, very small. However, if a MAGA-hat wearing person beat up a black person in Jerkwater, MT & was yelling the “N” word, while it was recorded – that small town would be a big deal, eh? MSLSD would be screeching about it for months.

San Benito, TX: 2016=42 * 2017=24 * 2018=32 * 2019=135 * 2020=188 * 2021=137 (2020-2021 avg. = 654.7) 2022 = 128 (518.953)

Paris, TX: 2016=165 * 2017=213 * 2018=213 * 2019=223 * 2020=208 * 2021=180 (2020-21 avg. = 793.748) 2022 = 160 (647.904)

Aransas Pass, TX: 2016=56 * 2017=52 * 2018=46 * 2019=47 * 2020=49 * 2021=45 (2020-21 avg. = 589.267) 2022 = 35 (398.678)

Addison, TX: 2016=88 * 2017=73 * 2018=59 * 2019=69 * 2020=63 * 2021=78 (2020-21 avg. = 413.501) 2022 = 67 (387.059)

Seattle, WA: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=4022 * 2017=4192 *
2018=4709 * 2019=4562 * 2020=4511 * 2021=5579 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 685.957) 2022 = 5,750 (767.427)

Tacoma, WA: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1827 * 2017=1551 *
2018=1662 * 2019=1677 * 2020=1709 * 2021=2455 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 949.86) 2022 = 3,338 (1,505.122)

Wilmington, DE: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1229 * 2017=1083 *
2018=1058 * 2019=1011 * 2020=1070 * 2021=974 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,443.064) 2022 = 818 (1,142.952)

Cleveland, OH: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=5927 * 2017=4976 *
2018=5375 * 2019=5220 * 2020=5772 * 2021=5802 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,562.738) 2022 =5,272 (1,457.936)

Columbus, Ohio: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=3677 * 2017= 3456 *
2018=3588 * 2019=3618 * 2020=4171 * 2021=4439 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 475.069 per 100,000) 2022 = 2,950 (324.9) Columbus has seen a massive decline in those crimes, after a massive spike

Akron, OH: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1037 * 2017=1130 * 2018=1450 * 2019=1598 * 2020=1536 * 2021=1426 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 779.96) 2022 = 1,304 (691.744)

Toledo, OH: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=2966 * 2017=2463 * 2018=2222 * 2019=2369 * 2020=25343 * 2021=2690 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 968.505) 2022 = 2,817 (1,057.825 per 100,000)

Dayton, OH: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1277 * 2017=1093 * 2018=1086 * 2019=1105 * 2020=1382 * 2021=1277 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 966.223) 2022 = 1,368 (1,006.296)

Cincinnati, OH: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=2489 * 2017=2477 *
2018=2195 * 2019=2228 * 2020=2437 * 2021=2208 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 751.015) 2022 = 2,259 (729.856)

East Cleveland, OH: 2016=100 * 2017=123 * 2018=101 * 2019=93 * 2020=46 * 2021=97 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 508.542) 2022 = 137 (981.704)

Denver, CO: 2016=3960 * 2017=4022 * 2018=4488 * 2019=4687 * 2020=5579 * 2021=6049 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 814.855) 2022 =6,699 (939.219)

Oklahoma City, OK: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=4512 * 2017=4549 * 2018=5069 * 2019=4158 * 2020=4218 * 2021=3695 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 578.093) 2022 = 3,877 (558.002)

Tulsa, OK: 2016=3933 * 2017=3721 * 2018=3812 * 2019=3568 * 2020=4105 * 2021=4055 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 989.661) 2022 = 3,384 (821.624)

Muskogee, OK: 2016=384 * 2017=429 * 2018=344 * 2019=367 * 2020=421 * 2021=309 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 991.08) 2022 = 369 (1,004.409)

Del City, OK: 2016=124 * 2017=142 * 2018=157 * 2019=165 * 2020=198 * 2021=154 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 810.462) 2022 = 109 (509.631)

Warr Acres, OK: 2016 =52 * 2017=50 * 2018=37 * 2019=65 * 2020=35 * 2021=58 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 445.061) 2022 = 33 (318.194)

Hugo, OK: 2016=10 * 2017=18 * 2018= [no data] * 2019=22 * 2020=28 * 2021=42 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 679.15) 2022 = 24 (459.682)

Idabel, OK: 2016=19 * 2017=18 * 2018=22 * 2019=30 * 2020=55 * 2021=25 (2020-21 cumulative avg.= 572.696) 2022 = 11 (155.895) As you can see, some cities did see a return to normalcy in 2022.

Lawton, OK: 2016=708 * 2017=740 * 2018=743 * 2019=742 * 2020=634 * 2021=525 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 638.314) Despite having a level of violence well beyond the national average, Lawton saw it decline 2020-21, it was much worse years ago. 2022 = 647 (706.779)

Okmulgee, OK: 2016=59 * 2017=62 * 2018=52 * 2019=61 * 2020=61 * 2021=36 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 431.36) 2022 = 36 (315.734)

Buffalo, NY: 2016=2660 * 2017=2429 * 2018=2468 * 2019=2365 * 2020=2553 * 2021=2219 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 859.652) 2022 = 1,853 (670.196)

Syracuse, NY: 2016=965 * 2017=891 * 2018=891 * 2019=1005 * 2020=1064 * 2021=no data 2022 = 1,197 (828.654)

Rochester, NY: 2016= 1641 * 2017=1704 * 2018=1455 * 2019=1405 * 2020=1546 * 2021=1447 (2021-21 avg. = 709.364 per 100,000) 2022 = 1,403 (670.163)

New York City, NY: 2016=46417 * 2017=43766 * 2018=43004 * 2019=44732 * 2020=45238 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 513.823) 2022 = 58,236 (698.617)

Albany, NY: 2016=791 * 2017=814 * 2018=759 * 2019=672 * 2020=792 * 2021=774 * (2020-21 avg. = 791.508) 2022 = 841 (834.11)

Utica, NY: 2016=338 * 2017=292 * 2018=330 * 2019=337 * 2020=276 * 2021=293 (2020-2021 avg. = 438.407) 2022 = 322 (502.489)

Troy, NY: 2016=334 * 2017=314 * 2018=260 * 2019=268 * 2020=305 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 593.223) 2022 = 314 (616.956)

Poughkeepsie, NY: 2016=208 * 2017=183 * 2018=186 * 2019=206 * 2020=216 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 683.955) 2022 = 177 (552.952)

Schenectady, NY: 2016=535 * 2017=517 * 2018=562 * 2019=469 * 2020=437 * 2021=373 (2020-21 average = 604.297) 2022 = 471 (684.503)

Binghampton, NY: 2016=308 * 2017=316 * 2018=283 * 2019=311 * 2020=346 * 2021=317 (2020-21 average = 694.03) 2022 = 297 (630.372)

Niagara Falls, NY: 2016=548 * 2017=505 * 2018=392 * 2019=397 * 2020=336 * 2021=331 * (2020-21 avg. = 687.395) 2022 = 373 (777.196)

Hempstead, NY: 2016 =389 * 2017=320 * 2018=309 * 2019=279 * 2020=346 * 2021=242 (2020-21 avg. = 498.71) 2022 = 297 (509.163)

Baton Rouge, LA: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1973 * 2017=2148 * 2018=1914 * 2019=1944 * 2020=1930 * 2021=2539 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 995.099) 2022= 2,062 (931.123)

New Orleans/Orleans Parish, LA: 2016=3538 * 2017=3725 * 2018=3783 * 2019=3621 * 2020=4302 * 2021=4875 (2020-21 average = 1,205.962) 2022 = 4,637 (1,254.093)

Lake Charles, LA: 2016=606 * 2017=584 * 2018=514 * 2019=350 * 2020=372 * 2021=402 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 466.172) 2022 = 439 (554.902)

Alexandria, LA: 2016 =847 * 2017=664 * 2018=656 * 2019=707 * 2020=816 * 2021=764 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,757.465) 2022 = 717 (1,629.397)

Bossier City, LA: 2016=547 * 2017=483 * 2018=526 * 2019=492 * 2020=548 * 2021=620
(2020-21 cumulative avg. = 928.153) 2022 = 584 (932.386)

Monroe, LA: 2016=1430 * 2017=1058 * 2018=645 * 2019=799 * 2020=1431 * 2021=1218 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 2,788.89) 2022 = 1,248 (2,665.527)

Shreveport, LA: 2016=1666 * 2017=1646 * 2018=1416 * 2019=1294 * 2020=1519 * 2021=1458 (2020-21 average = 801.113) 2022 = 1,282 (711.617)

Houma, LA: 2016=146 * 2017=101 * 2018=136 * 2019=188 * 2020=115 * 2021=262 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 567.583) 2022 = 255 (802.517)

West Monroe, LA: 2016=80 * 2017=77 * 2018=94 * 2019=105 * 2020=172 * 2021=215 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,491.559) 2022 = 193 (1,527.502)

Thibodaux, LA: 2016=87 * 2017=60 * 2018=62 * 2019=78 * 2020=67 * 2021=67 (2020-21 avg. = 429.955) 2022 = 65 (418.194)

Lafayette City, LA: 2016=611 * 2017=678 * 2018=651 * 2019=634 * 2020=681 * 2021=577 (2020-21 avg. = 517.335) 2022 = (446.498)

Ruston, LA: 2016=109 * 2017=119 * 2018=75 * 2019=82 * 2020=120 * 2021=117 (2020-21 avg. = 533.303) 2022 = 159 (713.164)

Gretna, LA: 2016=38 * 2017=37 * 2018=81 * 2019=112 * 2020=57 * 2021=117 (2020-21 avg. = 491.483) 2022 = 96 (558.301)

Opelika, AL: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=196 * 2017=197 * 2018=150 * 2019=74 * 2020=99 *2021=197 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 473.244) 2022 = 229 (698.447)

Birmingham, AL: 2016=3192 * 2017=2236 * 2018=3757 * 2019=no data * 2020=809 (I doubt the veracity of this number) * 2021=2979 * (2020-21 avg. = 951.23) 2022 = 3,076 (1,562.134)

Mobile, AL: 2016=1576 * 2017=1647 * 2018=1419 * 2019=no data * 2020=285 (this data is likely fallacious) * 2021=2346 (2020-21 avg. = 707.258 Even w/ that bogus figure, it is still high) 2022 = 2,053 (1,120.089)

Tuscaloosa, AL: 2016=412 * 2017=411 * 2018=462 * 2019=344 * 2020=331 * 2021=203 * (2020-21 avg. = 266.673) 2022 = 607 (548.814)

Bessemer, AL: 2016=731 * 2017=752 * 2018=459 * 2019=365 * 2020=428 * 2021=95 [??] (2020-21 avg. = 1,012.663) 2022 = 435 (1,721.817)

Dothan, AL: 2016=525 * 2017=540 * 2018=634 * 2019=355 * 2020=381 * 2021=122 (2020-21 avg. = 353.664) 2022 = 676 (948.971)

Tuskegee, AL: 2016=90 * 2017=73 * 2018=24 * 2019=66 * 2020=45 * 2021=63 (2020-21 avg. = 591.748) 2022 = 72 (812.732)

Livingston, AL: 2016=14 * 2017=39 * 2018=17 * 2019=21 * 2020=4 * 2021=5 * (2020-21 average = 136.591) 2022 = 16 (507.453) The average in this town from 2016-19 was stratospheric, then tailed off, but I am wondering if that’s accurate. 2022 was a return to normalcy.

Union Springs City (AL): 2016=28 * 2017=41 * 2018=46 * 2019=20 * 2020=13 * 2021=42 (2020-21 avg. = 824.34) 2022 = 48 (1,448.4) Census Bureau Quick Facts does NOT include cities under 5,000, so I used the 2021 figure.

Selma, AL: 2016=319 * 2017=253 * 2018=252 * 2019=57 * 2020=no data * 2021=93 (2021 avg. = 527.659) 2022 = 119 (699.054)

Linden City & Demopolis City (AL): 2016=44 * 2017=43 * 2018=54 * 2019=36 * 2020=37 * 2021=37 (2020-21 avg. = 411.522) 2022 = 54 (615.805)

Indianapolis, IN: 2016=11075 * 2017=10792 * 2018=10331 * 2019=8290 * 2020=8915 * 2021=8513 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 984.799) 2022 = 8,336 (946.604)

South Bend, IN: 2016=953 * 2017=956 * 2018=989 * 2019=1288 * 2020=1660 * 2021=535 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,061.468) “Rear Admiral” Pete Buttigieg presided over one of the most violent cities in America. If your city is a haven for violence & one party wins consistently, it tells me a lot about your voters. 2022 = 63 I doubt the veracity of that figure, not going to average it. It will be amended next year.

East Chicago, IN: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016 =178 * 2017=174 * 2018=89
2019=186 * 2020=170 * 2021=264 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 827.028) 2022 = 141 (542.975)

Muncie, IN: 2016=217 *2017=205 * 2018=178 * 2019=192 * 2020=593 * 2021=261 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 654.24) 2022 = 269 (413.362) 2022 = 725 (626.355)

Evansville, IN: 2016=679 * 2017=730 * 2018=574 * 2019=620 * 2020=1100 * 2021=759 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 795.314) 2022 = 725 (626.355)

Terre Haute, IN: 2016 =119 * 2017=73 * 2018=241 * 2019=587 * 2020=806 * 2021=288 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 934.499) 2022 = 300 (514.271)

Louisville, KY: 2016= 4314 * 2017=4167 * 2018=3871 * 2019=4385 * 2020=6022 * 2021=6242 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 972.846) 2022 = 3,923 (628.238)

Atlanta, GA: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=4874 * 2017=4143 * 2018=3481 * 2019=2797 * 2020=1252 * 2021=4308 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 558.206) I have a sneaking suspicion, due to the Ferguson Effect, that 2020 total is artificially low, but even that low watermark year, Atlanta maintained a Robbery & Aggravated Assault rate much higher than the national average. E.G. The Atlanta average 2016-18 was ~836 per 100,000. 2022 = 3,842 (769.743)

Bibb County Sheriff’s Office (Macon), GA: 2016=688 * 2017=832 * 2018=952 * 2019=513 * 2020=1346 * 2021=1737 (2020-21 cumulative avg.= 982.266) 2022 = 2,134 (1,366.223)

South Fulton, GA: 2019=161 * 2020=991 * 2021=937 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 891.775 per 100,000) 2022 = 1,093 (983.285)

Athens-Clarke County (GA) Police Dept: 2016=475 * 2017=456 * 2018=386 * 2019=472 * 2020=548 * 2021=629 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 462.477) 2022 = 606 (471.371)

Marietta, GA: 2016=220 * 2017=197 * 2018=184 * 2019=247 * 2020=276 * 2021=255 (202-21 avg. = 433.692 per 100,000) 2022 = 239 (381.776)

Chamblee, GA: 2016=185 * 2017=123 * 2018=13 [??] * 2020=354 * 2021=261 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,025.769) 2022 = 146 (488.801)

Albany, GA: 2016=829 * 2017=778 * 2018=766 * 2019=746 * 2020=1174 * 2021=1044 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,601.051) 2022 = 198 I doubt that is accurate, will be adjusted next year most likely

Douglasville, GA: 2016=174 * 2017=230 * 2018=184 * 2019=166 * 2020=173 * 2021=196 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 524.386 per 100,000) 2022 = 212 (558.659)

Charlotte, NC: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=6274 * 2017=5982 * 2018=6169 * 2019=6563 * 2020=7650 * 2021=7073 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 838.221) 2022 = 6,753 (752.239)

Raleigh, NC: 2018=102 (likely inaccurate) * 2019=1256 * 2020=1714 * 2021=2049 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 401.794) 2022 = 2,135 (447.976)

Greensboro, NC: 2016=1736 * 2017=2058 * 2018=1743 * 2019=2294 * 2020=2553 * 2021=2503 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 848.221) 2022 = 2,328 (773.126)

Durham, NC: 2016=1867 * 2017=2109 * 2018=1848 * 2019=1890 * 2020=2289 * 2021=1994 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 751.499) 2022 = 1,780 (609.739)

Winston-Salem, NC: 2016=1702 * 2017=1960 * 2018=2042 * 2019=2533 * 2020=2979 * 2021=2745 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,145.558) 2022 = 2,837 (1,128.704)

Fayetteville, NC: 2016=1399 * 2017=1397 * 2018=1451 * 2019=1694 * 2020=1966 * 2021=1893 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 924.634) 2022 = 1,919 (918.74)

Wilmington, NC: 2016=700 * 2017=730 * 2018=725 * 2019=681 * 2020=709 * 2021=556 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 541.086) 2022 = 545 (452.943)

High Point, NC: 2016=678 * 2017=736 * 2018=633 * 2019=764 * 2020=740 * 2021=548 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 564.966) 2022 = 587 (510.137)

Asheville, NC: 2016=479 * 2017=544 * 2018=540 * 2019=638 * 2020=696 * 2021=635 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 706.201) 2022 = 806 (859.494)

Greenville, NC: 2016=448 * 2017=574 * 2018=436 * 2019=417 * 2020=376 * 2021=437 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 459.774) 2022 = 474 (531.193)

Ahoskie, NC: 2016=38 * 2017=26 * 2018=34 * 2019=53 * 2020=39 * 2021=29 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 693.382) 2022 = 25 (512.4)

Rocky Mount, NC: 2016=419 * 2017=365 * 2018=407 * 2019=388 * 2020=586 * 2021=477 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 982.394) 2022 = 437 (809.064)

Roanoke Rapids, NC: 2016=97 * 2017=105 * 2018=78 * 2019=117 * 2020=135 * 2021=102 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 780.632) 2022 = 97 (652.934)

Henderson, NC: 2016=151 * 2017=176 * 2018=258 * 2019=205 * 2020=287 * 2021=232 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,726.719) 2022 = 245 (1,652.948)

Columbia, SC: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1009 * 2017=909 * 2018=941 * 2019=922 * 2020=888 * 2021=855 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 634.152) 2022 = 767 (549.041)

North Charleston, NC: 2016= 872 * 2017=920 * 2018=951 * 2019=985 * 2020=1233 * 2021=1122 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,009.676) 2022 = 1,007 (849.015)

Rock Hill, SC: 2016=382 * 2017=409 * 2018=312 * 2019=445 * 2020=485 * 2021=427 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 615.139) 2022 = 322 (427.344)

Greenville, SC: 2016=364 * 2017=383 * 2018=332 * 2019=354 * 2020=463 * 2021=459 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 644.782) 2022 = 369 (510.302)

Sumter, SC: 2016=270 * 2017=315 * 2018=350 * 2019=399 * 2020=469 * 2021=334 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 930.281) 2022 = 360 (841.967)

Florence, SC: 2016=389 * 2017=455 * 2018=336 * 2019=411 * 2020=542 * 2021=498 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,302.001) 2022 = 480 (1,197.843)

Spartanburg, SC: 2016=391 * 2017=470 * 2018=410 * 2019=420 * 2020=509 * 2021=556 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,384.339) 2022 = 416 (1,078.167)

Myrtle Beach, SC: 2016=485 * 2017=459 * 2018=404 * 2019=360 * 2020=431 * 2021=379 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,106.406) 2022 = 312 (812.14)

Aiken, SC: 2016=229 * 2017=135 * 2018=111 * 2019=151 * 2020=237 * 2021=185 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 662.48) 2022 = 169 (520.592)

Anderson, SC: 2016=266 * 2017=164 * 2018=141 * 2019=101 * 2020=184 * 2021=266 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 769.836) 2022 = 168 (564.307)

Orangeburg City & Orangeburg County Sheriff’s Office, SC: 2016=330 * 2017=425 * 2018=603 * 2019=859 * 2020=1050 * 2021=1104 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,289.642) 2022 = 1,060 (1,275.663)

Kingstree City & Williamsburg Co. Sheriff’s Office, SC: 2016=144 * 2017=139 * 2018=177 * 2019=138 * 2020=170 * 2021=131 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 490.204) 2022 = 115 (382.593)

Mullins City, Marion City & Marion Co. Sheriff’s Office, SC: 2016=213 * 2017=171 * 2018=207 * 2019=155 * 2020=212 * 2021=152 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 627.305) 2022 = 177 (622.144)

Bennettsville City & Marlboro Co. Sheriff’s Office, SC: 2016=200 * 2017=144 * 2018=127 * 2019=142 * 2020=168 * 2021=157 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 613.983) 2022 = 198 (760.397)

Winnsboro City & Fairfield Co. Sheriff’s Office, SC: 2016=169 * 2017=183 * 2018=134 * 2019=158 * 2020=139 * 2021=117 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 614.66) 2022 = 193 (943.534)

Lee Co. Sheriff’s Office & Bishopville City, SC: 2016=89 * 2017=74 * 2018=65 * 2019=146 * 2020=97 * 2021=98 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 594.584) 2022 =97 (600.507)

Hampton City & Hampton Co. Sheriff’s Office, SC: 2016=66 * 2017=76 * 2018=52 * 2019=80 * 2020=85 * 2021=78 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 442.97) 2022 = 87 (480.318)

Little Rock, AR: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=2844 * 2017=3033 *
2018=2628 * 2019=2777 * 2020=3413 * 2021=3776 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,777.334 per 100,000) 2022 = 3,365 (1,658.746 per 100,000)

North Little Rock, AR: 2016=483 * 2017=499 * 2018=464 * 2019=513 * 2020=625 * 2021=725 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,047.916) 2022 = 734 (1,135.748)

Jacksonville, AR: 2016=223 * 2017=236 * 2018=319 * 2019=246 * 2020=298 * 2021=321 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,053.079) 2022 = 294 (1,009.268)

Sherwood, AR: 2016=140 * 2017=55 * 2018=164 * 2019=177 * 2020=185 * 2021=202 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 587.886) 2022 = 236 (713.378)

Pine Bluff, AR: 2016=658 * 2017=741 * 2018=630 * 2019=598 * 2020=691 * 2021=754 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,779.666) 2022 = 593 (1,501.455)

Helena-West Helena, AR: 2016=112 * 2017=138 * 2018=155 * 2019=166 * 2020=147 * 2021=218 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,964.372) 2022 = 131 (1,476.555)

Marion, AR: 2016=89 * 2017=125 * 2018=112 * 2019=110 * 2020=147 * 2021=124 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 986.028) 2022 = 86 (632.538)

West Memphis, AR: 2016=397 * 2017=406 * 2018=446 * 2019=439 * 2020=571 * 2021=609 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 2,425.687) 2022 = 591 (2,483.715)

Fayetteville, AR: 2016=396 * 2017=424 * 2018=414 * 2019=338 * 2020=447 * 2021=492 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 496.169) 2022 = 429 (432.089)

Fort Smith, AR: 2016=639 * 2017=707 * 2018=634 * 2019=762 * 2020=930 * 2021=893 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,020.048) 2022 = 867 (963.418)

Jonesboro, AR: 2016=347 * 2017=334 * 2018=364 * 2019=449 * 2020=552 * 2021=510 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 671.68) 2022 = 424 (530.822)

Conway City, AR: 2016=287 * 2017=275 * 2018=306 * 2019=271 * 2020=310 * 2021=294 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 468.565) 2022 = 331 (489.521)

Texarkana, AR: 2016=157 * 2017=227 * 2018=178 * 2019=166 * 2020=249 * 2021=260 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 868.556) 2022 = 272 (928.137)

Hot Springs, AR: 2016=248 * 2017=194 * 2018=159 * 2019=188 * 2020=240 * 2021=153 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 515.964) 2022 = 159 (417.224)

Hope, AR: 2016=110 * 2017=105 * 2018=67 * 2019=58 * 2020=115 * 2021=107 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,266.689) 2022 = 82 (950.834)

Forrest City City & St. Francis County Sheriff’s Office, AR: 2016=173 * 2017=18 (Forrest City reported no data) * 2018=144 * 2019=152 * 2020=232 * 2021=276 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,109.412) 2022 = 323 (1,438.688)

Magnolia, AR: 2016=48 * 2017=52 * 2018=18 * 2019=12 * 2020=44 * 2021=64 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 485.262) 2022 = 52 (473.098)

Camden, AR: 2016=104 * 2017=153 * 2018=112 * 2019=105 * 2020=108 * 2021=133 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,153.882) 2022 = no data

Norfolk, VA: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1440 * 2017=1199 * 2018=986 * 2019=1160 * 2020=1399 * 2021=1619 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 638.486) 2022 = 1,479 (634.777)

Newport News, VA: 2016=747 * 2017=791 * 2018=848 * 2019=969 * 2020=1030 * 2021=1080 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 569.496 per 100,000) 2022 = 1,032 (559.938)

Portsmouth, VA: 2016=686 * 2017=624 * 2018=688 * 2019=838 * 2020=808 * 2021=663 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 751.065) 2022 = 763 (786.362)

Suffolk, VA: 2016=209 * 2017=248 * 2018=219 * 2019=234 * 2020=348 * 2021=440 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 412.826) 2022 = 420 (426.235)

Petersburg, VA: 2016=222 * 2017=228 * 2018=94 * 2019=216 * 2020=186 * 2021=208 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 589.061) 2022 = 235 (703.719)

Fredericksburg, VA: 2016=94 * 2017=97 * 2018=93 * 2019=93 * 2020=97 * 2021=138 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 416.947) 2022 = 112 (389.47)

Hopewell, VA: 2016=97 * 2017=75 * 2018=85 * 2019=67 * 2020=72 * 2021=64 (2020-21 avg. = 294.55) 2022 = 107 (465.987)

Franklin, VA: 2016=18 * 2017=25 * 2018=18 * 2019=11 * 2020=19 * 2021=35 (2020-21 avg. = 329.348) 2022 = 37 (448.647)

Roanoke City, VA: 2016=364 * 2017=345 * 2018=370 * 2019=332 * 2020=396 * 2021=374 (2020-21 avg. = 387.168) 2022 = 462 (472.165)

Charlottesville, VA: 2016=209 * 2017=154 * 2018=137 * 2019=120 * 2020=165 * 2021=201 * (2020-21 avg. = 396.851) 2022 = 206 (454.014)

Las Vegas, NV: 2016=12162 * 2017=8570 * 2018=8219 * 2019=7331 * 2020=7976 * 2021=6832 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,147.834)

North Las Vegas, NV: 2016=2154 * 2017=2323 * 2018=2203 * 2019=2186 * 2020=1230 * 2021=951 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 405.127)

Reno, NV: 2016=1569 * 2017=1513 * 2018=1456 * 2019=1239 * 2020=1292 * 2021=1301 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 486.521)

Waterloo, Iowa: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=448 * 2017=303 * 2018=302 * 2019=353 * 2020=389 * 2021=318 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 526.347) 2022 = 347 (521.318 per 100,000)

Des Moines, IA: 2016=1344 * 2017=1355 * 2018=445 (?) * 2019=1447 * 2020=1365 * 2021=1230 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 609.541) I am NOT including the 2022 FBI data, because I seriously doubt that is accurate & will be adjusted later. If I use the 2022 figure from that, we have a grand total of 2,193 & a rate of 1,039.169 per 100,000. This will likely end up being adjusted downward, but crime is not dissipating in Crazy Town. There is a lot of variance between the DSM figured & FBI figures. I understand the disparity grows as the seriousness of the crime goes down, but it seems to be too large a variance.

Davenport, IA: 2016=655 * 2017=648 * 2018=557 * 2019=523 * 2020=673 * 2021=564 * (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 610.583) 2022 = 604 (601.078)

Fort Dodge, IA: 2016=124 * 2017=127 * 2018=137 * 2019=107 * 2020=166 * 2021=94 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 523.771) 2022 = 113 (458.287)

Council Bluffs, IA: 2016=119 * 2017=125 * 2018=121 * 2019=454 * 2020=538 * 2021=198 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 588.611) 2022 = 218 (349.33)

Sioux City, IA: 2016= 324 * 2017=302 * 2018=297 * 2019=337 * 2020=407 * 2021=394 (2020-21 cumulative average = 467.679) 2022 = 361 (422.237)

Burlington, IA: 2016=190 * 2017=219 * 2018=137 * 2019=160 * 2020=100 * 2021=121 (2020-21 cumulative average = 463.856) 2022 = 125 (529.414)

Los Angeles, CA: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016 =26181 * 2017=27771 * 2018=27340 * 2019=26868 * 2020=26548 * 2021 = no data (2020 average = 680.933 per 100,000) 2022 = 29,302 (766.618 per 100,000)

Stockton, CA: 2016=4204 * 2017=4170 * 2018=4157 * 2019=4165 * 2020=3778 * 2021=2949 2020-21 cumulative average = 1,046.409) 2022 = 3,516 (1,092.539)

San Francisco, CA: 2016=5791 * 2017=5878 * 2018=5744 * 2019=5569 * 2020=4550 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 520.619) 2022 = 4960 (613.529)

Oakland, CA: 2016=5697 * 2017=5052 * 2018=4962 * 2019=5070 * 2020=5189 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 1,177.551) 2022 = 6065 (1,408.653)

Compton, CA: 2016=1056 * 2017=1110 * 2018=1114 * 2019=1046 *2020=1058 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 1,105.399) 2022 = 992 (1,078.401)

Long Beach, CA: 2016=2616 * 2017=2876 * 2018=3035 * 2019=2086 * 2020=2065 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 442.397) 2022 = 2,221 (492.126)

Lancaster, CA: 2016=1023 * 2017=1124 * 2018=1092 * 2019=1238 * 2020=1098 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 632.812) 2022 = 1357 (802.080)

Palmdale, CA: 2016=644 * 2017=640 * 2018=544 * 2019=595 * 2020=683 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 403.152) 2022 = 848 (518.771)

Pomona, CA: 2016=686 * 2017=747 * 2018=784 * 2019=827 * 2020=672 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 443.725) 2022 = 765 (523.911)

Inglewood, CA: 2016=758 * 2017=726 * 2018=617 * 2019=618 * 2020=622 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 577.213) 2022 = 613 (591.578)

Bellflower, CA: 2016=357 * 2017=342 * 2018=306 * 2019=297 * 2020=318 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 401.565) 2022 = 410 (536.614)

San Jose, CA: 2016=3389 * 2017=3585 * 2018=3801 * 2019=3856 * 2020=3769 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 371.982) 2022 = 4,117 (423.894)

Berkeley, CA: 2016=546 * 2017=582 * 2018=520 * 2019=544 * 2020=484 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 389.305) 2022 = 574 (482.555)

Carson, CA: 2016=472 * 2017=447 * 2018=416 * 2019=408 * 2020=363 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 379.893) 2022 = 414 (448.11)

Hawthorne, CA: 2016=607 * 2017=557 * 2018=580 * 2019=599 * 2020=645 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 732.313) 2022 = 576 (681.148)

Antioch, CA: 2016=696 * 2017=546 * 2018=539 * 2019=581 * 2020=542 * 2021=46 [this is obviously not correct] (2020 average = 470.057) 2022 = 656 (569.128)

Gardena, CA: 2016=311 * 2017=373 * 2018=303 * 2019=301 * 2020=246 * 2021=350 (2020-21 average = 493.688) 2022 = 359 (610.098)

California City, CA: 2016=81 * 2017=84 * 2018=41 * 2019=70 * 2020=81 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 541.118) 2022 = 74 (489.191)

Fairfield, CA: 2016=413 * 2017=496 * 2018=505 * 2019=389 * 2020=477 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 397.924) 2022 = 518 (434.061)

Sacramento, CA: 2016=3420 * 2017=3240 * 2018=3191 * 2019=3062 * 2020=3380 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 643.902) 2022 = 4,509 (853.975)

Rancho Cordova, CA: 2016=227 * 2017=287 * 2018=243 * 2019=208 * 2020=303 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 381.939) 2022 = 355 (440.457)

San Bernadino City, CA: 2016=2693 * 2017=2613 * 2018=2704 * 2019=2672 * 2020=2831 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 1,274.834) 2022 = 2456 (1,114.701)

Barstow, CA: 2016=334 * 2017=283 * 2018=269 * 2019=259 * 2020=261 * 2021=no data * (2020 average = 1,027.195) 2022 = 261 (1,034.441)

Victorville, CA: 2016=695 * 2017=794 * 2018=737 * 2019=938 * 2020=1010 * 2021=no data * (2020 avg. = 749.247) 2022 = 1,205 (878.145)

Pittsburg, CA: 2016=229 * 2017=300 * 2018=366 * 2019=398 * 2020=404 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 528.733) 2022 = 413 (532.408)

Richmond, CA: 2016=926 * 2017=955 * 2018=997 * 2019=982 * 2020=1021 * 2021=1134 (2020-21 average = 928.595) 2022 = 964 (843.387)

San Pablo, CA: 2016=189 * 2017=169 * 2018=166 * 2019=185 * 2020=157 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 488.761) 2022 = 220 (700.882)

El Cajon, CA: 2016=348 * 2017=380 * 2018=479 * 2019=511 * 2020=474 * 2021=500 (2020-21 avg. = 460.269) 2022 = 462 (442.469)

Lemon Grove, CA: 2016=133 * 2017=166 * 2018=147 * 2019=161 * 2020=137 * 2021=173 (2020-21 average = 563.144) 2022 = 159 (584.043)

Riverside, CA: 2016=1573 * 2017=1491 * 2018=1522 * 2019=1530 * 2020=1319 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 418.711) 2022 = 1,497 (466.698)

Fresno, CA: 2016=3009 * 2017=2744 * 2018=2751 * 2019=2293 * 2020=3335 * 2021=4562 (2020-21 avg. = 726.654) 2022 = 4429 (811.815)

San Leandro, CA: 2016=453 * 2017=501 * 2018=450 * 2019=436 * 2020=433 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 475.834) 2022 = 482 (555.542)

Bakersfield, CA: 2016=1722 * 2017=1694 * 2018=1751 * 2019=1616 * 2020=1857 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 459.153) 2022 = 2,083 (507.248)

Anaheim, CA: 2016=1079 * 2017=1128 * 2018=1043 * 2019=971 * 2020=1092 * 2021=860 * (2020-21 avg. = 281.769) 2022 = 2504 (726.932) Now that is a spike in crime & oddly, it was much lower during the Saint George Floyd, “Let’s Burn Down The City for a Career Criminal” riots.

Modesto, CA: 2016=1988 * 2017=1944 * 2018=1783 * 2019=1651 * 2020=1481 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 677.905) 2022 = 1,548 (709.867)

Downey, CA: 2016=350 * 2017=356 * 2018=348 * 2019=318 * 2020=276 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 241.347) 2022 = 460 (418.432)

Ukiah, CA: 2016=135 * 2017=107 * 2018=79 * 2019=100 * 2020=119 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 715.789) 2022 = 85 (526.511)

El Segundo, CA: 2016=49 * 2017=35 * 2018=51 * 2019=77 * 2020=103 * 2021=98 (2020-21 avg. = 588.355) 2022 = (649.741)

Philadelphia, PA: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=13853 * 2017=13432 * 2018=12974 * 2019=12673 * 2020=12979 * 2021=11165 (2020-21 avg. = 759.233) 2022 = 14,903 (950.896) It’s getting much worse in the City of Brotherly Love

Pittsburgh, PA: 2016=2209 * 2017=1863 * 2018=1573 * 2019=1416 * 2020=1387 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 457.819) 2022 = 1,390 (458.9)

Harrisburg, PA: 2016=459 * 2017=501 * 2018=444 * 2019=394 * 2020=419 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 836.527) 2022 = 217 (432.417)

Erie, PA: 2016 =297 * 2017=268 * 2018=249 * 2019=413 * 2020=804 * 2021=94 [??] (2020 avg. = 847.663) 2022 = 513 (548.598)

York, PA: 2016=396 * 2017=448 * 2018=423 * 2019=421 * 2020=318 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 709.868) 2022 = 282 (628.832)

Norristown, PA: 2016=144 * 2017=177 * 2018=124 * 2019=162 * 2020=134 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 374.385) 2022 = 147 (410.671)

Springfield, IL: 2016=1196 * 2017=1115 * 2018=853 * 2019=772 * 2020=966 * 2021=855 (2020-21 avg. = 799.357) 2022 = 764 (674.476)

Hazel Crest, IL: 2016=55 * 2017=69 * 2018=43 * 2019=50 * 2020=37 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 276.408) 2022 = 82 (635.806)

Joliet, IL: 2016=427 * 2017=458 * 2018=434 * 2019=680 * 2020=504 * 2021=218 (2020-21 avg. = 240.069) 2022 = 687 (457.899)

Carbondale, IL: 2016=103 * 2017=98 * 2018=91 * 2019=160 * 2020=203 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 928.254) 2022 = 133 (612.423)

Rockford, IL: 2016=2288 * 2017=2194 * 2018=1877 * 2019=1581 * 2020=1973 * 2021=2055 (2020-21 avg. = 1,359.098) 2022 = 1,954 (1,331.851)

Champaign, IL: 2016=615 * 2017=546 * 2018=546 * 2019=752 * 2020=758 * 2021=617 * (2020-21 avg. = 775.053) 2022 = 517 (579.33)

Danville, IL: 2016=455 * 2017=500 * 2018=494 * 2019=479 * 2020=487 * 2021=466 (2020-21 avg. = 1,643.273) 2022 = 454 (1,594.549)

Chicago Heights, IL: 2016=141 * 2017=241 * 2018=226 * 2019=197 * 2020=171 * 2021=292 * (2020-21 avg. = 851.322) 2022 = 477 (1,802.38)

I think I have proven my point (279 cities). Just because a metric of crime(s) is dropping, doesn’t mean it is still not a problem & like murder, assaults & robberies are concentrated largely on one demographic & a large handful of cities.

Some cities have always had issues on this, so making a big deal out of it will possibly wake some folk up. These crimes are largely performed in Democrat-run cities & blacks are doing the lion’s share of them. You can call me racist, but you can’t call me wrong.

If the bipolar Leninist Sam Seder whines that “conservatives” are finally making a big deal out of it, I will point out that’s bad logic. Just because they started complaining about it a lot during the Saint George Floyd Crime-A-Thon doesn’t mean it was not a problem many years ago & we should have a discussion about it now.

***Almost all the jurisdictions above had combined Robbery/Aggravated Assault rates (per 100,000) at least 16% HIGHER than the national average from 2020-21 (or in 2022). I fudged my baseline a bit just to show the spike in aggravated assault & robbery in California. I also did that because so many CA cities (and PA) reported no data for 2021 to the FBI***

Now let us look at some statewide data, where the data is good & because IL & CA omit a lot of cities, they will NOT be covered. Compare the statewide average of the jurisdictions below versus the cities inside it I covered & you will see what I am talking about.

Iowa: Robbery/Aggravated Assault: 2016=7819 * 2017=7635 * 2018=7107 * 2019=7651 * 2020=8201 * 2021=7809 (2020-21 avg. = 250.623 per 100,000) 2022 = 7,756 (242.335)

Missouri: 2016=28625 * 2017=29114 * 2018=27162 * 2019=27085 * 2020=30001 * 2021=28252 * (2020-21 avg. = 472.65) 2022 = 26,502 (428.976)

North Carolina: 2016=34242 * 2017=35477 * 2018=33773 * 2019=35756 * 2020=40677 *
2021=40038 (2020-21 avg. = 384.26) 2022 = 39,215 (366.53)

South Carolina: 2016=22288 * 2017=22456 * 2018=22402 * 2019=23324 * 2020=25056 * 2021=23788 (2020-21 avg. = 473.675) 2022 = 23,344 (441.9)

Wisconsin: 2016=15479 * 2017=16269 * 2018=14857 * 2019=14758 * 2020=16533 * 2021=16159 * (2020-21 avg. = 277.666) 2022 = 14,915 (253.116)

Minnesota: 2016=10915 * 2017=10826 * 2018=9821 * 2019=10769 * 2020=13297 * 2021=14838 (2020-21 avg. = 246.409) 2022 = 13,535 (236.742)

Michigan: 2016=37902 * 2017=37204 * 2018=36720 * 2019=35861 * 2020=40822 * 2021=41747 * (2020-21 avg. = 410.488) 2022 = 39,058 (389.252)

Tennessee: 2016=39161 * 2017=40374 * 2018=39168 * 2019=37450 * 2020=42987 * 2021=43087 (2020-21 avg. = 620.168) 2022 = 40,526 (574.727)

Texas: 2016=106140 * 2017=108043 * 2018=101772 * 2019=105528 * 2020=115644 *
2021=115541 (2020-21 avg. = 393.812) 2022 = 112,674 (375.21)

Nevada: 2016=17967 * 2017=14501 * 2018=14184 * 2019=13035 * 2020=12414 * 2021=11429 (2020-21 avg. = 381.425) 2022 = 12,340 (388.322)

Arkansas: 2016=14132 * 2017=14607 * 2018=14341 * 2019=14890 * 2020=17816 * 2021=18476 (2020-21 avg. = 600.893) 2022 = 17,027 (559.062)

Virginia: 2016=15183 * 2017=14315 * 2018=13868 * 2019=14554 * 2020=15122 * 2021=16102 (2020-21 avg. = 180.603) 2022 = 17,063 (196.496)

Washington: 2016=18773 * 2017=18957 * 2018=19873 * 2019=19393 * 2020=19618 * 2021=22551 (2020-21 avg. = 273.009) 2022 = 25,805 (331.437)

Delaware: 2016=4490 * 2017=3975 * 2018=3699 * 2019=3752 * 2020=3928 * 2021=3792 (2020-21 avg. = 387.013) 2022 = 3,633 (356.737)

Ohio: 2016=29322 * 2017=28047 * 2018=27978 * 2019=28184 * 2020=30232 * 2021=30809 (2020-21 avg. = 259.046) 2022 = 28,100 (239.025)

Pennsylvania: 2016=35256 * 2017=35072 * 2018=33825 * 2019=34139 * 2020=44556 * 2021=31268 (2020-21 avg. = 291.465) 2022 = 31,459 (242.514)

Georgia: 2016=36205 * 2017=33791 * 2018=32174 * 2019=31056 * 2020=38487 * 2021=33295 (2020-21 avg. = 333.87) 2022 = 35,178 (322.353) The Next Part of this at least 3-part series will focus on many of the cities above & the % of the crimes I covered that are committed w/ a firearm & then onto murder stats for Part III, comparing 2020-21 to 2022.

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