Joe Will Resign – Newsom Will Be the Nominee!!!, 4242

1 year ago

So the DNC is in a tough spot. One way or the other, Joe has got to go. If it weren’t for his buddy, Attorney General Merrick Garland, Joe would be in serious legal trouble, but with this wonderful public servant, all things are possible, even getting at least one Biden off the hook, if not the entire pack of ‘em.

On Wednesday, Biden will be meeting with the President of China, but behind the scenes - a little bird told me - will be another secret participant, the Gov. of California, Flamboy, Newsome himself. Ya see, Flamboy passed his recruitment test last month when he was in China and has been given his marching orders: Go forth and save us from the Donald.

The fate of the current V.P. - giggling one - has not yet been cast in stone. The powers that be want her gone too, but she is starting to mount a defense by bringing on movie star, The Rock, to stand by her quest to inherit her rightful place in American history.

Can you see a makeover of Mt. Rushmore?: Hillary, Obama, Biden and Kamala? Oh, that’s right, Bill Clinton was in there somewhere – maybe looking over Hillary’s shoulder?

Have you seen any polling on Kamala recently? No, neither have I. Well, that says something all by itself. In any case, here are the options being discussed in San Francisco on Wednesday. Do we allow Kamala to be the first woman president for some short period of time, snagging the honor away from Arizonian Kari Lake.

The problem is though, how long could you keep her hands off the Big Red Button. She has heard, you know, behind that big red button lies the best ever fireworks display evvveeerrrr.

You certainly can’t let he give a press conference, so that sort of limits the length of time you can confine her to quarters. But that conflicts with Flamboy’s timeline. He needs maximum runway, and Biden’s folks are digging in too.

One thing is for sure, the boss is coming to town on Wednesday, to provide his marching orders – orders that at this point, no desperado would dare resist. One way or the other, we know the outcome; Biden out, Kamala out, Newsom in.

Why do you think the Newsom/DeSantis debate, currently scheduled for Nov. 30, became a thing in the first place? That’s the ticket the boss of bosses wants to see. Because, according to my birdie, Newsome will tear DeSantis up. Well, I’ve never seen this amazing Newsome debate expertise, but I know DeSantis can certainly hold his own, so that should make an interesting evening.

No matter what, it instantly elevates Newsome right where he wants to be - to the top tier – something that was unimaginable until he got the red carpet tour in China two weeks ago.

So, Newsom is Xi’s pick, and Kamala – if she makes it to the convention, will be a sorry second – at best. The only question is will she get the lifetime pension, lifetime Secret Service protection, and the library? I think that’s what Wednesday’s meeting is really all about. What’s it gonna take for her to go quietly into the night? Eight figures should do it. A pittance!

President Trump, please take Newsome seriously, because he is coming. Here’s a couple of suggestions. Name Newsome early. Please in the Comments section, give us your best shots at a derisive, even humiliating Newsome nickname. Flamboy is the only thing I could think of on short notice.

One more thing, Mr. President; spend some time in California. Start in San Diego, then ride the center of the state from San Bernadino all the way up the Central Valley. You will find a LOT of support there and it will serve to undercut the image and legitimacy of Flamboy.

One more thing #2; a lot of the tricks were birthed in the Golden State. But now with AI, they who has and who has not yet voted in the final 2-3 hours and matching that up against who in that group is most likely to support your candidate is very, very important, but you can count on Ronna McDaniel to either not know about, or not care about implementing such a system.

I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good night.

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